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By this power obtained by his brother in body, he had decided to end this whole pointless charade.

His evil twin had absorbed all the godly power in existence, forcing every dimension into totalitarian Isaac. His brothers were less of beings now, and more of a state of being. Every alternate Isaac and Blader had taken a seat on their own individual throne, taking the ultimate crown of rule over their own dimension. Be it a throne of skulls or a throne of kittens, they had all taken their seat, all except for this one. This one Isaac was trying to rebel, to stand with the original ideology of Isaac, before it had been corrupted by power leading to lethargy. The original ideology, "Keep calm and be a pretty unicorn,"-er, I mean, "Keep calm and worship a bloody foot,"-ACK! Okay, he had a lot of points he supported, but he's always been a rebel, always flipping the literal bird at everything in his way. Be it a giant dragon, a titan, a demon, Death himself, a god, himself, or Naunia (okay maybe not that last one, but you get the point), he wasn't afraid to kick anyone in the dick (if it was a lady, he'd glare at them and they'd grow a dick, just so he could kick it) who stood in his way. The most badass person in the human race. Known by the gods, the demons, the damned, the saved, and Australia, as the single most badass being to ever live (and DIE!). However, after nearly every Isaac took up the throne, they had all cooled off of their "mutilate everything and ask questions later" thought process. After seeing all of this, this one Isaac (let's just call him Blader-1 for simplicity's sake) basically decided, "Fuck it. Nobody gives a shit anyway, I'll end it all now." He's gone through his own world and killed literally everything he could. He would have to knock down every pillar of support to reality, and then it'd all come crashing down. From there, he'd escape his worthless mortal coil and leave into the Imagisphere. He'd seek out his own puppet master and take the strings.That is to say, he'd only have one god to kill if he wanted to bring everything crashing down. That doesn't mean he can necessarily reach Him.

No, he's got no clue how to reach Him, and he's left with the one thing he knows best. He's going to kill everything important in existence on a nonstop path of destruction until he destabilizes reality to the point where he can leap out and kill his only arbiter. And then, he'll improvise from there.

He's got a solid plan as far as he's concerned, what could possibly go wrong? One thing's for sure, this probably isn't canon, but it should explain a lot of things.

(remember what i said, but i'm slightly back baybeh)

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