D&Derp Stories: Isaac breaks the 4th wall again

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"RED! SEND ME YOUR GREATEST FIGHTERS! I'LL KILL THEM, KILL YOU, AND RULE EVERYTHING!" Blader shouted to the heavens, demanding a challenge.

Blader heard music start to play in the background. It was slow, clearly building up to something. It was only when he realized what the song was when he realized exactly how incredibly fucked he was.

The gigantic pile of muscle that was John Cena fell out of the sky, absolutely fucking Blader's shit up.

He looked up, seeing Cena doing his signature "You can't see me" taunt. Blader stood up, sheathing his sword. He was going to fight John Cena fairly, and not even he has immunity to swords.

As he did this, Cena lifted him up "Oh what tHE FUUUCK" He threw Isaac into...another John Cena? I guess Cena is so awesome he breaks physics. Well. Anyway. That John Cena then slammed him into the floor, with the other Cena diving onto him and crushing his ribs. He grabbed him and threw him into a...CAPTAIN FALCON IN THE BACKGROUND? HE FALCON PUNCHED HIM BACK? "Enough!"

(play at like 1.25 speed and keep playing it until specified)

Isaac flapped his wings, throwing himself into an easy hover. His eyes glowed with a fiery new power. He dropped himself down. One of the John Cenas ran to him and this time he was ready. The Cena punched him but Isaac dodged under it and kicked him in the throat. From behind them came a furious Ryu with a "SHORYUKEN!" Blader did a flip unintentionally and gracefully landed on the Ryu, snapping his neck, but not before a Hadouken was shot from above. "Shit!" Blader flipped off Ryu to avoid the Hadouken, before kicking Ken back into the 1st John Cena, who then proceeded to throw him into a bottomless pit below. Captain Falcon used his "Show me your moves!" taunt from across the field. Blader moved into a fighting position, before sprinting forward as Cap did the same. Isaac ducked under the Side-B the Cap tried to use, and then hit him in the gut. The Cap got knocked back, almost off the stage. He just barely managed the recover before dying, but Isaac had already pulled out his sword and stabbed the ground with the blade. It exploded like Ike's Neutral Special, and Captain Falcon was no more. Speaking of Ike... "AETHER!" "Counter move." Blader showed his ability to steal my skill of perfectly timed counters, as he swung his sword as soon as Ike slammed him with his. As that happened, Isaac planted the sword into the ground, fully ready to tousle with John Cena running towards him. "AND HIS NAME IS JOH-" "Dunk." He tripped him, and he fell into the void. "*heya." Blader tried to cut his throat, but he was a skeleton. Sans forced him back with his telekinesis, and then threw about 50 million bones at him in a complex platforming sequence. Blader jumped and flipped through the small spaced in the bones and then ducked under the Gaster Blaster shooting a massive laser at him. "Ha!" Which was all he got before he just barely dodged under a bone. "AGH! FUCK OFF!" He ran forward, sword in hand. However, just before he killed Sans, he narrowly dodged a sniper round. "Oh, what the fuck?" He looked over to see a sniper at the other end of the stage. "Alright, you wanna play like that asshole?" He deflected a bullet with his sword, hitting Goku in the balls. He deflected another one in the other direction, hitting Slender Man in the non-existent face. He then cut a bullet in half, hitting both Superman and Batman in the neck. He grabbed a throwing pick and threw it towards the sniper. "EAT THIS!" The sniper looked down as he realized he was bleeding. The throwing pick had pierced his leg, and he realized that it took all the pins off his grenades. "Oh, fu-" Isaac grinned at the distant explosion. Blader cut the bone Sans was holding out of his hand before holding the sword to his face. "Now, where were we?" He grinned. He then looked over just in time to notice and avoid the flame blast coming from an unknown source "OH FUCK!" He felt the heat emanating from the attack, and then cut Sans' head off, turning him to dust. "Now, time to deal with..." He stopped for a moment.

(alright stop the music)

A crowd had gathered, consisting of: Jade, who had launched the fire attack. Gilded Guy, sword in hand. Hyun's two fighters, yo-yo and sword at the ready. Madara Uchiha. Naruto and Sasuke. Asriel Dreemur. W.D. Gaster. Undyne The Undying. Shovel Knight and Shield Knight. Vegeta. Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehogs. A Magikarp. Every single legendary pokemon. Cloud. Fox and Falco. Master Chief. The G-Man. Weegee. An army of feminazis, religious extremists, and general idiots. The Terrarian. Steve. Literally every incarnation of Link. Green Arrow. Deadpool. Deathstroke. Kirito. Sailor Moon. Ash Ketchum. Pokemon Trainer Red. Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Sora and Shiro from No Game No Life. All the Castle Crashers. Mario and Luigi. And, to top it all off, godly figures such as Chuck Norris, Saitama, the Illuminati, Segata Sanshiro, and Red himself will make an appearance at the end of this suicide mission, to personally kick Isaac's ass. There will also be many more fighters making an appearance than what I have listed. Who do I add to the roster?


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