The Shadow's Dragon and Nightmare's Dungeon

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I know this is late, but I just couldn't help it.

 As All Hallow's Eve (Halloween) approaches, I'm going to write this.

I got inspired to do this watching Matthew Santoro. All I'm going to say. Let's do this!

Extra Chapter: Hallow's Eve:

Darkness engulfed the room. One flicker of light was lit in the room. It was a black candle, which, when lit by a cosmic flame, glew periwinkle. There were several figures in the room, revealed by the power of the light. The one who was holding the candle could not be seen, despite being the one closest to the light. He simply remained completely black. He moved his head around the room, the light moving with him, shadows dancing around the uncertain light of the candle. The first person, closest to the figure, was Naunia Goldenpotato. Then, Gene Dirtpsych, Lightning Heart, Stella Chipmunk, Lani Goldenpotato, and Thief Stone. Strange, as the group usually had Oznerol Venomscythe and Isaac "Blader" Slaybane. Silence dominated. Nobody spoke, they simply looked at each other. The figure set down the candle in a ring of them. A snap was heard and all the candles lit at once. The periwinkle flames wavered, a wind blowing through the area. Swift, furtive footsteps were heard all around them. There was a low guttural cackle moving throughout the area. The footsteps came closer. As they did, so did the laughter. The candles died as the hands of two black figures grabbed them. There were several piercing screams as they did. Snap. The lights came back on. The sound of two 15 year old godly beings laughing calmed the horrified faces of the group until they turned to fury. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! THAT WAS YOU!?" Isaac nodded and Oznerol took off the black jumpsuit which he wore, being the shadowy figure. "Figured it was in the spirit of... what is it the mortals call it again, Oznerol? Halloween?" Oznerol nodded saying; "You've seriously forgotten? It's been like a year since you became a god." "Yeah, you know my memory sucks. I'm more accustomed to calling it Hallow's Eve." The rest of the group breathed a collective sigh of relief. Lightning Heart was lying on the floor, bored. "I thought it was a dream. I've been having a recurring one about this." Oznerol wiped his hair back with the sweat that had formed on his face, snickering in front of a mirror as his hair was basically a blonde Blader hairstyle, before turning to Lightning Heart. "Yeah, I was the one who did that. Oracles have control of dreams." Isaac then turned to Oznerol. "Oh yeah, I meant to ask about that. Have you been the one replacing my flying crow dream with a flying butt?" Oznerol snickered once again before nodding. Blader's glare shot daggers before lighting his back on fire. Oznerol shot the fire back at him as Blader whipped a Throwing Pick up to catch it. Oznerol released the flames from the pick, causing his frenemy to throw it down as his fingers were burned. "Alright idiots, break it up." Naunia said as Isaac was preparing to draw his sword and start a full on duel in the room. "Oh, right. Sorry." They shook hands and made up as there was a knock at the door. "Who could be here at this hour?" Blader said as he looked at the clock which said 11:00. "Wait... what's today?" "Um, the 31st?" Isaac's brow furrowed in thought before realization finally dawned on him. "Oh, wait, F*CK!" He spun around and run to the door. "DON'T ANSWER IT!" But it was too late. Lightning Heart had opened it. "This is Halloween" started playing. "Sh!!!!!!t. Now we have to fight off these mofos..." he said. "Wait, who?" Thief Stone questioned. An army of zombies and their previous enemies flooded in. "Well, All Hallows Eve revives all the dead to come out to party. HOWEVER, since all of the dead are our enemies, we have to kill them all." A few Skorlorpions jumped onto him. He tore them limb by limb. They were all thrust into battle. Oznerol was lighting entire armies of the dead on fire. Naunia was beating the EVERLOVING HELL out of skeletons. Gene was burying the Skorlorpions with artificial landslides. Lightning Heart and Thief Stone were fighting back to back, killing off the cardinal sin demons, over and over. Lani was throwing knives, trying to kill King Elucidator who was on his throne. Stekka was ripping through grounds of skeletons and zombies. Isaac was quickly engulfed in skeletons and zombies. "OZZY GET THESE DAMN THINGS OFF OF ME!" He shouted as he pushed them back, though afterwards being pushed back harder. "Yeah yeah..." He said as he slammed his hand into the ribcage of the skeleton on him, pouring gunpowder into the skeleton, lighting a fuse in it before throwing it into the mass of undead Blader was wedged in, watching as they all flew off of him. "Thanks." Oznerol punched one of the survivors behind him. "I take it you forgot about your cosmic magic?" "Oh. Right." He said as he brought up a cosmic shield. The survivors of the skeletons got together and tried to pile on him again. However, when they ran up near him, they turned to dust. "I guess they're mainly composed of magic material." "So basically, you can walk through all of the murdery stuff and stay alive?" Oznerol said as he moved closer into Blader's field of magic. "Yeah, I think it's time we cut off the head of this snake." Isaac began walking through the battlefield. Spears and other weapons like that were thrown as him, but Oznerol melted them down as they came in. As Elucidator commanded his men to launch their full attack on Blader. All of the skeletons and zombies were disintegrated as they walked within range. Oznerol continued melting down each and every bladed weapon that came through. One threw an enchanted sword which could not be melted but was physical in nature. Isaac had to duck under it to avoid the otherwise life threatening attack. Elucidator commanded his army to do the same thing, and they did, this time not only using swords, but spears, knifes, sometimes just sticks, and even one of the skeletons arms (which disintegrated of course), and Blader was nearly overwhelmed. Nearly. Fortunately, as the opening attack came in, Naunia threw her medical treatment bag at him, which somehow managed to instantly heal all of his wounds. His entire focus on keeping his Cosmic Shield up and running, Blader barely had time to nod his thanks to her without the power dissipating. Gene had built a bulletproof glass wall in front of Isaac as he continued walking, effectively negating the power of the enchantments. As armies of Seven Deadly Sins came in behind the glass, Lightning Heart became a whale to crush them. Lani threw her knives randomly into the army, trying to lower their numbers. Oznerol, his mind freed up from protecting Blader, shot an explosive fireball beneath Stella's feet, catapulting her forward into the crowd. Thief Stone was right beside her, slaying beasts left and right. Elucidator realized they were quickly cornering him. He had no other choice than to use his trump card. He clenched his hand into a fist. A cacophony of snapping and shouting was heard inside the many barriers they had created to protect Isaac. As Lightning Heart morphed out of a whale so they could see what had happened, the Cosmic Shield began to disperse. What they saw was horrifying, to say the least. Isaac was laying on the ground, covered in blood, unable to move from the pain that was consuming him. Every single bone in his body had been crushed, and now he was being folded into a box shape, looking like a mime as he was slowly and painfully crushed into it. The assault froze for a moment, but that moment was enough for Elucidator to seize his advantage. Stella and Thief Stone were completely consumed by a crowd of skeletons, Lani had several of her knifes thrown back at her, an actual dead whale fell on top of Lightning Heart, Gene was trapped behind a bullet proof glass wall he'd built himself, Naunia was behind the wall as well, and even Oznerol, powerful as he was, was unable to defend against the swift, powerful attacks coming from literally every direction possible.

"Sh!t, think Blader... think think think! YOU IDIOT! JUST THINK ABOUT IT!"

"Pleasant to see you at war with yourself, Isaac."

"God damn it, not you again!"

"Yes Isaac, me. Come on now, break the seal."

"Ugh. Fine, but only because we're trapped here."

A sudden burst of energy came from Blader, shattering the invisible box he was in. Skeletons and everything else there surrounded him. "DO NOT LET HIS NEW POWER STOP YOU! ALL FORCES, ATTACK!" He looked around them, new pentagrams in his eyes. They charged forwards. "Your molecules will scatter like sand." A pitch black stream of light burst from his eyes. The beings turned to dust.

"God. Devil. Hero. Monster. What will you call me?" Blader's dead voice rang through the house. He pointed his hands to clusters of sins. Pentagrams formed under them. The sins looked confused until gigantic explosions under their feet turned them to dust. "First comes destruction. I bring forth nothing. I bless nothing. I save nothing. I just erase. Completely."

The explosive power of Isaac's new form was destroying everything in sight. Oznerol grabbed the rest of the group and ran while their enemies were distracted.


The burst of disintegration energies had a sound that reverberated through the house. It was then replaced with the sound of a bell. The clock rang 12 times. It was midnight.

All of the revived creatures turned to dust as Isaac fell to the ground. His eyes obscured by his hair, his friends cautiously walked out. "Blader? You all right buddy?" Oznerol asked as he got close. Blader's hand shot out to his throat and began strangling him. "AGH!" Taken by surprise, Oznerol stood no chance against Isaac's vice-like grip, and a snap was heard.

Isaac laughed maniacally, enjoying the sight of his terrified friends, before releasing his friend's neck and revealing his eyes held no pentagrams. "Happy Halloween." Oznerol said as he stood up.

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