Cinema Sins

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(Me and Oznerol decided to finish our writing with this with a thing labeling all of the mistakes we acknowledge in the story.) 1 Our characters are older than us, but we are still smarter.

2 We make too many references to other games.

3 And Youtube videos.

4 We overstate the obvious wayyyyy too much.

5 Kristofer's character actually completely forgets about his FAMILY HEIRLOOM SWORD! 6 BLADER IS STUPID!

7 We change clothes every time we enter a new chapter.

8 We also have a detailed description and animation for every single one.

9 The guy who is supposed to be REALLY STUPID looks cooler than the two people who are supposed to be main characters. He is also somehow able to guide the group out of a dungeon when he doesn't even get that he can't walk through walls.

10 Many names are reverse of real words, for example, Dedrater is Retarded.

11 Also, Gene is supposed to be African American, so it's racist that he's a dirt conjurer. We are racist f**ks.

12 The first chapter is the longest.

13 It is also probably the stupidest.

14 Blader's average damage is Cabbage-Infinity

15 Our characters are so overpowered that not even gods can kill them, especially since one of them virtually is a god!

16 We had friends who actually bothered to help us with this.

17 We're supposed to be legendary heroes, but no. We're dumb@$$es.

18 Everyone who is in the story is based on a real person, yet they are all opposites to their IRL counterparts.

19 A potion designed to cure everything INCLUDING BEING A DEMON does not cure death.

20 Blader dies and he doesn't give a f**k. He literally says that he doesn't give a f**k that he's dead.

21 When he comes back to life, he doesn't even get second base with his girlfriend.

22 Blader favors darkness at the beginning, yet wields holy powers.

23 We could make an entire bonus round out of how many cliches we used.

24 And we're going to.

25 Damsel in Distress cliche... like 4 times

26 Terrified hero cliche

27 Hero almost dies but lucks out at the last second cliche

28 Idiot is suddenly a genius when the plot needs it cliche

29 Magic sword cliche

30 Don't press the big red button cliche

31 Heroes only rest in taverns cliche

32 Cool guys don't look at explosions cliche... a lot. We did that one a lot

33 We begin nearly dead cliche

34 Fight fire with fire cliche

35 Brave girl is terrified of slime cliche

36 Everything is a legend! cliche

37 Scene moving away when running cliche

38 Family death cliche

I think that's enough. (for now)

39 The strongest alcohol IRL is a soda chain

40 No one knows where the f**k this is happening. Not even the characters.

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