Extra Chapter: Assassins

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(We never finished this.)
Extra Chapter: Assassins (Also not relating to the current story or that previous extra.)

Blader walked through the dimly lit dungeon, sword ready and Oznerol behind him. Blader decided to play a joke on him. "OZNEROL! BEHIND YOU!" Blader practically screamed as he pointed behind Oznerol. Before Oznerol could look back, a cold hand shrouded in a shadowy glove suddenly gripped his shoulder. Oznerol instinctively flew his hand up to hit the figure in the face, but another hand blocked the strike. It laughed. "It's me." Blader said as he shrugged his hood off, smiling. "How did you even pull that off?" Oznerol asked. "The Coat of Midnight can be used to temporarily shapeshift me, thanks to Elucidator, and I'm fast enough to get behind you. Also these boots muffle against stone." Oznerol laughed. "That was a nice technique. What d'you say we have a competition to see how many enemies we can silently kill?" Blader grinned. "Hell yeah! Magic Vs. Science!" They both broke off speedily. Oznerol cast spells of invisibility and silence. Blader camouflaged himself in an army of undead by shrouding himself in a cloak.

Blader prepared a concealed throwing pick up his sleeve for silent executions by striking their magic transfer points planted by necromancers. He decided on his first victim. Flipping the blade around in his hand he walked toward the target, moving through the crowd easily. He tried to not make his objective obvious and sent a pick flying with nothing but a snap, accurately ending the undead's unlife. The crowd stopped except for Blader, who moved silently into a corner and turned himself into a crow, carrying a small pack of seals. He flew over the group of undeads seemingly attempting to revive him into unlife once again before Blader let loose 10 seals upon them, watching his handiwork and cawing to let them know that he was their re-death. They seemed to be unable to hear him so he flew downwards and shot like a speeding bullet through their skulls. Each of them shattered into dust until 4 remained. He decided to transform back into a human and re-kill them like assassins told of in tall tales. He darted in and out of cover, holding a throwing pick, and ran into one, jabbing the pick into the point that controlled it. That one fell down and Blader darted back into cover before they noticed him. He decided to re-kill them all with one pick. He began tapping into the alchemical properties of Magebane Steel by drawing a strange circle with a stone he found. After he'd made a suitably small enough blade collection with the steel of the pick, he tied them all together in a net using a very, very, VERY thin rope. Once he was satisfied with his weapon, he took it in his hands, careful to not touch the spikes. He threw it as hard as he could into the small group of three, easily re-killing them. He continued moving throughout the cave.

Oznerol walked into a bush, staring at 3 undead walking in a straight line, stalking his prey. "Perfect for the re-kill." he said. He prepared a small fireball concentrated on his fingertips. He hoped for the perfect shot and concentrated his aim. The heat revolved around his body as he gathered the energy. Finally, he fired it off and it went through the three of their skulls, ending their final survival chances, sending them into Death's hands. Oznerol stalks away, satisfied with the success he had gained so far. 10 seconds later he discovers he had immolated a tree, and it began to fall on a large army of undead. Oznerol whispers "Timber!" as the tree collapsed on 5 more undead, bringing his tally to 8. Oznerol considers the possibilities for re-killing the rest of undead. He decided to turn their brains inside-out using his psychokinesis. He tried this on 4 undead, and they began to go insane. They all began to run in circles, waving their battle axes around, until they began to fight their own allies. In the end, to Oznerol's astonishment, they had all killed each other, bringing his total amount of re-kills to 15.

Both Blader and Oznerol meet up again. They discuss how many re-kills they got, only to discover they had defeated the same amount. With fire and lighting respectively, they both ran out to find at least one more undead to defeat.

Blader charged headfirst into a room which he couldn't see into. He re-emerged however, shooting out at an impressive speed with a bang of an explosion as he flew head first into Oznerol's nutcase, knocking the warlock into a lava pit behind them. Oznerol managed to get out burned, but alive. "WHAT THE FEEP DID YOU DO?" Blader was covered in dust, bruises, and burns. "I got blown up by green blocky plant things. There must have like 20 of them!"

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