12 // "Make Yourself At Home!"

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"Okay, Y/n, stop the mother fucking blood."

She told herself, once again making another incision on her hand, she looked at it for a moment before closing her eyes and focusing only on that. Her hand, and the several previous incisions, all allowed the blood to pass through, and the deeper ones gushed blood, all over the glossy wooden floors and her pants. And it stung, but she didn't give in this time. No, she kept her eyes closed and took deep, shakey breaths.

For a moment, she could feel it, the blood retracting just for a few seconds, before it gushed harder than ever and Y/n cursed, quickly wiping up the blood as it came and wiping her bloody nose on her arm. She was so far in, so commited to mastering her quirk that she completely forgot about anything else. The amount of blood she loss looked almost deadly. There were about 2 and a half towels soaked in blood and just one puddle in front of her, blood smeared all over the gym floor, around where she sat.

Y/n picked the towels up and stood up, either too quickly or from the blood loss, or both. She fell backwards and hit her head on one of the weights. That really knocked something into her. Besides the ringing, she had a massive headache from her fall and all the stress she had put away quickly befell her. She started sobbing, from the pain, stress, and everything---just came out. It was both tragic, and very much needed.

She had never done so much for her quirk before, this was new to her as well, instead of just stopping blood, she could make even the smallest wounds bleed more than normal. This was similar to her mothers quirk, so oxygenated blood was basically useless to her.

Y/n really went too far this time.

After a little while, she hadn't moved and just nodded in and out of consciousness. Eventually, she fell asleep on the floor with blood oozing out of her hands before clotting. Her passing out was inevitable, but what wasn't was Dabi finding her on the ground, bleeding. He had been looking for her, to tell her some news, and finding her like that did not make anything better.

So he picked her up bridal style after checking her pulse and carried her out. Not a far, though defintely not short walk to the bedroom. Yes, they had a bedroom. It was Dabi's, specifically, but it had been set up for two.

When he reached the room, he laid her on a bed so wide it could fit five people, and sheets so silky smooth nothing else could compare. Not to mention how warm it was, this put Y/n's subconscious at ease, she turned on her side and sighed. Dabi pulled a chair over just at her bedside and grabbed her hand. While she moved around and moaned in her sleep, he cleaned her wounds and she happened to wake up when he poured peroxide on her hand. She fluttered her eyes opened and stared at him working.

He wrapped her hand in gauze and sealed it, then he took a hot, damp rag and wiped the rest of the blood off her arm, he came across new but healed scars on her shoulder, over her tattoo on her biceps. He traced them with his thumb and took a moment to ask her about while she stared at the ceiling, taking in the silence.

"What does this tattoo say?" He asked, sounding rather intrigued in it. It was an old tattoo and it showed, it was a foreign language, a few words but they seemed interesting. A deeper meaning. The scars over it, however, crossed out some of the letters.

"It's Latin," she spoke quietly. "I hate and I love, how can I do that? I do not know. But that's what I feel.' That's what it means,"

A quote by Catullus. Dabi had stopped and stared at her while she stared at the ceiling. Then she looked over at him. "My mother was a Latinist and a traveler before she met my father and went insane, so I've been told."

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