13 // Checkered Past

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Edit: I changed the title because this noticably had less views than the others and I genuinely think it was the title...perhaps people assumed it was something irrevelvent to the story...when in fact this is one of the most important chapters.
EDIT 2: Maybe not have been the title, might've been the notice...READ THE CHAPTER IT'S RELEVENT PEOPLE!!!


"IDA!!" The green haired boy yelled, using his quirk to jump off the top of the building in order to intecept the two. However, ice caused him to slip and fall and twist his ankle. The blued haired boy had shut his eyes, ready to meet death face to face, but he felt nothing, and heard nothing but strained grunts. He opened his eyes and much to his suprise someone had managed to stop the katana from piercing his heart.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?!" He yelled as he quickly snatched the katana from her hands, causing a deep, stinging gash across both her palms. His question was answered as he observed the bruise on her face and broken--or decayed arm through her ripped sleeve. He retracted his sword as the others stood up, Ida, however, could not stand due to Stain's quirk.

"Tomura is back, and I--I couldn't hold him off." Stain suddenly became worried, the man who just put Ida's brother in the hospital, and tried to kill him had feelings. That alone was enough to anger him.

He sighed and grabbed her arm that wasn't broken, just like that they started running the opposite direction. The girl looked back and met eyes with the green haired boy, trying to catch his breath, and she winked at him.

TODAY - 6:15 PM

This assesment was no joke, Y/n had no idea what she was to be faced with. While the others did, they weren't going to tell her. She couldn't just join the league and she sure as hell wasn't going to have her hand held through it. Of course, this was all their bosses idea. They had no say in this.

That's why, no matter what they said, Y/n would still undergo the process they all went through. Little did they know, it would be a little different...

She entered a place of darkness, after being engulfed by a black mist. She felt nothing, heard nothing, and saw nothing. Like her sensory was broken, then she heard sudden droplets of water, increasing by the second, for a moment she saw faces she couldn't make out, if they were faces. Then her sight kicked in, like she had opened her eyes to a whole new setting. A depressing one that is. One of her deeply surpressed memories. She stood in front of her burning house, the very pretty, bright house she loved being scorched and burned to ashes, filling the air with an acrid smell of burnt wood.

Usually she would burst into tears, but pain felt foreign to her. She was numb to that feeling, it was almost like a distant memory. Beside her, she felt an awful aura, though she had her gaze locked on the burning house and couldn't look away.

This was the reason she hated fire.

"Do you...know why you're here?" A voice asked, she felt inclined to answer, and never took her gaze off the house.

"Why the fuck would I know?" He wasn't very fond of her profanity. He revealed himself by walking in front of her, he was literally faceless and that frightened her. Y/n gasped and shut her eyes and lost all her senses again, only hearing the water droplets again, lost in space, and it was oddly peaceful.

"If not for Toyua, I would not have found you," A distant voice spoke to her as she floated in the space. This time, she could only hear, there were no more flashbacks, no smell, no sight, just a faceless voice talking to her.

"You're a great asset, however, your quirk is for protecting, not for harm..."

Only when she would realized this voice she heard, belonged to someone she's heard so many stories about, how many people feared him, would she understand.

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