18 // The Start of The End

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"Oh what have you done, Glad! You had one job!"

"You said I could take home a reward."

"Yeah a normal worthless person! This is--do you know who this is?!" The big man shrugged his shoulders, looking stupidly at the short, red haired guy who was scolding him.

"This is Stains daughter! Aka, a fucking hero! We don't kidnap hero's! We can't go around taking whoever you fucking idiot, we are the good guys!"

Y/n was awake for this painful conversation, she was tied to a chair so tight that her arms went numb, the tape so tight around her mouth that it hurt to even move her lips. For a while, she analyzed where she was, while she wasn't exaclty sure where, she knew she had to be in some type of storage facility, or a warehouse of some sort. She had never been in Okazaki, so everything was forien to her.

She was passed out on the big mans shoulder, after he grabbed her. But she woke up too before they had even reached this place. She wasn't sure who the girl was, but the other girl they had taken was the girl she was sent to find. She hadn't noticed it at frst because she looked so different, probably in a disguise. Y/n was in so much pain that she let them take her, but this also benifited her, though she didn't think that it'd take so long.

The ginger paced around in circles and Y/n shook her head in disbelief, she had seen stupidty before, but this was just sad. Her voice became muffled behind the layers of tape on her mouth, they didn't hear her. As the ginger circled again, when he got clsoer to Y/n she kicked him in his shin with her steel toe boots. He screamed but finally paid attention to her as she yelled some muffled words.

"Fine fine." He said as he ripped the tape off of her face, she could have sworn it ripped the mustache and peach fuzz off of her face.

"I'll make you a deal, if you let me go, I'll get back to my job and I won't blow your heads off." The ginger laughed at her, Y/n narrowed her eyes and sighed.

"No you won't, I highly doubt a hero--especially from U.A would--"

"I am not a hero, I didn't even graduate."

"So? You still trained there, y'know, once a hero always a hero, no need to pretend."

Y/n couldn't help but grind her teeth, a small amount of blood dripped down her nose as she took a deep breath. "See, that's not true. I watched people die in front of me since I was born, death is the only thing I know. I'm not too fond of sparing people, so if you know I'm Stain's daughter then what on earth made you think I wouldn't kill you?"

She raised an eyebrow at the ginger, he stood his ground, only noticing the blood drip down from her lip onto her lap, the more she talked, the more blood leaked into her mouth and stained her teeth red.

Behind Y/n, there was another girl tied to a chair, the two were back to back, so Y/n never got a look at her, but she felt her presence. The girl started choking, when it got louder the ginger rushed over, she was conscious now, blood spilling out of her mouth like water.

"What are you doing to her?!" He yelled and untied the girl. "I think a slow death is better than an instant one. It give's me this...exciting feeling--"

"Yuta.." The big man whined. "What?!" The ginger yelled, he looked up at the man collasped with a nose bleed, causing the ground to rumble. The man with the red hair was absolutely aghast, staring at the man he never thought would be defeated, laying helplessly on the ground right before him.

"Instant death." Y/n whispered as she watched the guy twitch. The guy called Yuta started crying, quietly sobbing as he laid next to the young girl as they both suffered. He placed his head on hers and a dark shadow appeared over him, he looked up with tears running down his cheeks. Y/n had untied herself, her shirt was soaked with blood and her nose bleed stopped, there was nothing but dried blood that she wiped on her sleeve.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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