Historical Fiction Winners

54 8 7

Thank you to Ephrata127 who accepted to take up the judging for this genre when the previous judge backed out.

First Place —
Saving Satyavan by romance_lover16

TOTAL: 94.5/100
Cover: 10/10
Title & blurb - 9/10
Plot - 28/30
Flow - 9/10
Character development - 15/15
Anticipation - 9.5/10
Enjoyment - 9/10
Language - 5/5

Comments by Ephrata127:
The cover is beautiful and relatable to the character Savitri. The twist in the book concerning the blossoming friendship between Savitri and Suman is interesting. The unbreakable bond that Savitri shares with her husband giving her the zeal to save him is remarkable. And including the ancient sages made the book more enjoyable.

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Second Place —
A mouse & the fallen star by CBMokedi

TOTAL: 89.5/100
Cover: 9/10
Title & blurb - 10/10
Plot - 26.5/30
Flow - 8/10
Character development - 15/15
Anticipation - 8.5/10
Enjoyment - 8/10
Language - 4.5/5

Comments by Ephrata127:
It is good how you personified the characters to your title by comparing Aida to a mouse and further relating her behaviors to one and Luc to a fallen star. There were several wordy paragraphs that had unnecessary adverbs, though there is nothing wrong with wordiness in writing, it is important that your writing should be dense and concise.

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Third Place —
Where kings can't rule by Shivran86

TOTAL: 85/100
Cover: 9/10
Title & blurb - 10/10
Plot - 26/30
Flow - 7.5/10
Character development - 10/15
Anticipation - 8/10
Enjoyment - 9.5/10
Language - 5/5

Comments by Ephrata127:
The designs of the cover are aesthetically appealing, it shows how it collabs with the title showing the feministic power. But the name of the author on the cover should be a little bit bolder, maybe in a medium font so it could be clearer but not to overpower the title. The blurb is great, explains much needed information on the book but also maintains a mysterious note. I really loved how in the blurb you described how women are being dictated prompting it further to be relatable to the title. The plot gives a good imagery on the characters emotions, reactions and atmosphere. But the imaging of the setting is not well described, try to put more light on the areas in the kingdom and it's people. The book is surprisingly at an okay pace, at first it was predictable about the events but the twist in the book made it not predictable again. Like when Sitara knew the king's identity on a personal basis.

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Congratulations to the winners 🥳🥳🥳 All the winner's score cards and comments have been posted in this chapter, and we will DM you your sticker and certificate by this weekend if possible, thank you for your patience. For the rest, if you wish to have yours, PM us for your score cards and judge's comments (:

For prizes, please head to "Prizes & How To Claim Them" chapter for more details. If you spot any mistakes with the counting, tag us and let us know.

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