- Ending Note -

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This is the end of the Savant Awards in May 2022. I apologize for the long wait. My inadequacy has dragged this to over four months when it could have been shorter, so please accept this bow of apology from me.

To all the dear participants, we thank you for your graciousness and generous patience, and I hope you have taken back something at least from this award. Be it your scores, judges' comments on the areas to improve, or stealthily peeking at your competitor's works (yeah I know you guys do that). Remember the awards wouldn't have been possible without you guys agreeing to throw in your lot at this and filling in the forms!

To all those who have helped out in this contest, I must once again give another bow of thanks. You guys know who you are. And to the judges who agreed to help out to fill in those that pulled out last minute. I can't imagine how this would all be possible without any of your help. I'm sure I would have drowned under the pressure and maybe not surfaced any time soon.

We will now begin to process the prizes and stuff, so do look forward to your interviews being posted in SG Magazine for the winners! 🍬☁️
Our DMs are always open if you want to make any suggestions or just to give a kind reminder to post your interview >:)

- @devianmisfit (founder of SG Community)

Savant Awards 2022Where stories live. Discover now