Chapter 9- The other side

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[Next morning; Crime scene]

"This is team 4 on patrol. A dead body is found in an abandoned building in Chongdu Dong. Request for backup immediately"

I drove the car at over 100 km/h and upon reaching the crime scene, I had pressed the brakes hard enough to make us lean forward almost at a 45-degree angle. I looked at Jaemin who was sitting next to me and then team leader Cha and Minjun sunbae in the backseat. They were terrified of my driving. Jaemin gripped tightly on the handle, Minjun sunbae gripped onto his seatbelt and team leader Cha looked at me as if I just brought him after a trip to hell.

"I'm never letting you drive again when we are investigating a murder case," Team leader Cha said

"I agree" Minjun sunbae said

"Me too," Jaemin said agreeing with them

Unbuckling our seatbelts, we get off the car and hurried inside the building. The building used to be an old theatre that caught fire and has been abandoned ever since then. It is situated on the outskirts of Gyeongju with very less houses in its vicinity. Perfect place for a murder indeed. 
We walked inside the place which looked like a reception area and there the killer had tied the victim's body and hung it from the ceiling as if he wanted everyone to see his crimes.

"That crazy psychopath" Before we could investigate further we received another message which we wished would never happen

"Another body has been found in the swan lake. Request for backup immediately"

[Meanwhile: A park]

Jaehyun's POV:

After dropping off Ji-hun at the kindergarten, I stopped by a park. I took a sip of my coffee while I sat on the bench and watched the kids play. It was early in the morning yet the kids were full of energy. I took out my phone and looked at the grocery list. Y/n didn't come home last night because she had something urgent so I was planning to make lunch for her and take it to her office.

"I should get going... I have two surgeries today" I said to myself and stood up from the bench. While I was walking to my car, my eyes landed on a little boy who was sitting alone... apart from all the kids. It seemed as if he had no friends.... and it reminded me of myself. I looked into his eyes and he had the same emotion that I had back then that said, "why doesn't everyone disappear?"
A sharp sting of pain ran through my head which made me close my eyes

"He looks helpless, doesn't he? It'll be fun to see him fight and beg for his life isn't it.... son?" The voice echoed through my mind and my heart started beating faster. My hands were trembling as a result, the cup of coffee dropped from my hand, and stumbled a few steps backward until I felt as if I hit someone. Turning around, I found a little girl who was around the age of that Ji-hun.

"Mister, are you okay?" She asked
"Dad, are you okay? Are you sad? Dad... don't be sad. Dad has Ji-hun so dad is always happy!"

"I'm-m okay-y," I said and ran from there. Opening the door of the car, I went inside and locked the door behind me. With trembling hands, I searched inside my bag and took out a rope with which I tied my hands. Tears rolled down my eyes as I joined my tied hands together; my entire body was shaking by now. I put my head on my joined hands and said,

"Please-e... please-e... no... I don't-t want-t... to turn-n into-o a monster-r... please-e" 

During this, I accidentally hit the radio button in the car and a news started playing on it,

"Two dead bodies were found this morning in two different places in Gyeongju... Police are still investigating how the killer-"

Turning off the radio, I removed the rope from my hands. Cracking my knuckles I looked at the church which was in front of the place where my car was parked. Poking my tongue on the side of my cheek, I looked at the rearview mirror... and I could see my dad.... who died 10 years ago.... sitting in the backseat and looking at me with his empty eyes. 

"I guess, they found the bodies a little too soon. Don't you think so.... dad?" 

End of POV

[Time skip: Swan lake]

".... we got one call but why are there two murders?" Jaemin questioned

"We got one call because out of the two bodies that we found... one of them wasn't the target of the killer. I'm sure he killed one of the two victims for some other reason" I said as I stood up after examining the victim. Minutes ago, team leader Cha and Minjun sunbae called from the second crime scene and informed us that the second murder was similar to the first murder and so was the third murder. 

By the time, the lake was sealed off, the media were already here trying to get their next headline news. After sending the body to the forensics, we left the crime scene. Upon reaching the police station, we were met with thousands of questions from the media.

"How can there be two murders in just one day? What are the police doing?"
"People are terrified because they believe that Jeong Min-ho is back. Is that true?"
"Is there any common link between the victims? Why are they chosen?" 
"Can these two murders be considered as a lack of action by the police?"

I stopped in my path when I heard the last sentence. Jaemin knew what I was going to say so he tried his best to take me inside but I stopped him and gave him a reassuring look. He slowly let go of my sleeves as I turned around and faced the reporters. 

"Is this a habit of all the news reporters or news channels? When you don't get any answers then just blame it on the police. Seriously... you think all we do is sit and write reports?! None of the members from the crime department haven't gone home or had a proper sleep from the last three and then it is us who lack in taking an action right?" I said and there was silence. The reporters looked everywhere but at me. Scoffing, I said,

"The one who is behind all this is just a crazy psychopath who thinks of himself as someone superior compared to others around him. He thinks of himself as a lion and the people around him as his prey but remember... the rabbit was able to kill the lion with its foolishness" Turning around, I entered the police station and Jaemin followed me.

"Sunbae! That last line was chef's kiss!" Jaemin said making me giggle when my phone started ringing. Checking the caller ID, it was from Jaehyun which always made me smile. 


"Y/n-ah, I made lunch for you and I'll drop by the police station on the way to the hospital," He said

"Do one thing. Don't come here, there is a lot of media outside... let's meet at the park outside the police station"

[The park]

Jaehyun's POV:

With the bag of lunch in my hand, I stood in the park waiting for Y/n. While looking around, my phone started ringing and upon checking the contact, I could feel my expressions change into a rather straight face.

"Hello? Taeyong? I thought you ran away and I was planning to kill you tonight" I said poking the side of my cheek with my tongue

"I looked into Jang Soo-hee's details like you asked"

"Looks like you value your life. Send me Jang Soo-hee's files and-"

"Jaehyun?" My eyes slightly enlarged when I heard Y/n's voice from behind me. I could hear Taeyong saying something from the other side but I disconnected the call. Gulping down the lump that had formed in my throat, I tried smiling as I turned around and faced her. Before she could say anything further, I hugged her which took her by surprise but she soon hugged me back.

"I made your favorite Japchae with stir-fried pork," I said

"Thank you. How is Ji-hun? Is she angry with me?" She asked burring her head in my chest

"No, she is rooting for you and so am I," I said which made her giggle

"But... Jaehyun... why are you looking into Jang Soo-hee's files?" 

End of POV

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