Chapter 11- The lion and the rabbit

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[Jeong Min-ho's clinic]

We entered the sealed-off clinic of Jeong Min-ho. "God will punish you for your sins!", "Murderer lived here!", "Worse than the devil" and such things were written on the wall. The room had a desk and a chair in the center, a bed next to it, and shelves with various files related to neurosurgery. Upon moving the curtain from the bed, our eyes widened slightly when we saw dried blood stains on the bed sheets. We took a step backward after seeing the site in front of us. 

"The basement is there," Team leader Cha said pointing at a small door next to the book shelve and it looked like the shelves were kept there to hide the door of the basement. Minjun sunbae and Jaemin worked together and moved the shelves which revealed the complete door to the basement. Minjun sunbae pushed the door with all his strength as the door was jammed after all these years. The door opened with a loud bang and we pointed our flashlights inside the basement and found stairs that lead inside a dark basement. 

But that wasn't where my attention was. While the other took small steps to the basement, my eyes went to a collection of tapes on the shelves. It caught my eye because it was weird seeing tapes on bookshelves. 

"Sunbae, let's go," Jaemin said

"Jaemin, you all go inside... I'll join you guys in a few," I said and removed the cobwebs that had fallen on the collection of tapes. Pointing my flashlight at the tapes, I realized that they were recordings from Jeong Min-ho's surgery but a particular pair of tapes caught my attention. 
"Yun-oh's first session" was written on one of them. Wearing the gloves in my hands, I put the tapes in the evidence bag. After putting it with the other evidence that we had collected, I joined the others in the basement. 

The basement had a bad vibe. The walls still had stains of dried blood, on a table nearby there lay many medical tools and some had dried blood on them. There was a bed at one corner of the basement with medical machines around it... which were required for neurosurgery. Ropes were hanging from the wall and 2-3 white bags lying on the floor. But that wasn't what scared me. 

"Isn't it.... too clean?" I said drawing everyone's attention. Jaemin and team leader Cha looked at me in confusion but judging from Minjun sunbae's expression, it seemed as if he knew what I was talking about. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it weird? The house and even the clinic above have cobwebs and the furniture are covered with just but how come the basement is so clean? It seems as if..."

"... it seems as if someone was here" I completed Minjun sunbae's sentence. There was a moment of silence but then Jaemin said something which proved our assumption to be true. 

"Sunbae... how many tools are needed by a neurosurgeon?" Jaemin asked me 

"13... why?" I replied 

"Then why are there only 12 tools here?" He asked pointing at the tools which were lying on the table. We walked toward the table and upon counting the number of tools, there were indeed 12 of them when there were supposed to be 13. 

"Y/n, do you know which one is missing?" Minjun sunbae asked and just at that moment, team leader Cha's phone rang and he excused himself to answer the call. I took a closer look at the medical tools.

"Scalpel... the scalpel is missing!" I said 

"We all should return to Gyeongju as soon as possible" Team leader Cha said as he came running toward us 

"What's wrong, team leader Cha?" 

"They've found another dead body"


Jaehyun's POV:

I rushed out of the house and puked under a tree. While coughing, I went back to my car with the photo frames that I had in my bags. Putting them in the backseat, I secured my seatbelt and started the car. I knew that Y/n and the others would be visiting the clinic now but there isn't anything about me in the clinic as far as I remember. Just then my phone started ringing and it was from Taeyong.

"Yun-oh! Where are you?" He said from the other side

"What is it to you?"

"They found another dead body" I pressed the brakes of the car the moment I heard that sentence. 

"I'm busy now," I said disconnecting the call before letting him speak anything more. Pressing the accelerator, I gripped tightly on the steering wheel and sighed as I looked into the rear-view mirror. I think I'm going crazy... because I can still see my dad standing outside the house... looking at me in the same way he always did. 

End of POV

[Time skip: 6 am; Crime scene]

We reached the crime scene at around 6 am and this time, the victim was found in a well and I already knew why it was so. After the body was sent to the hospital for autopsy, we were called to see something and that was a text written on the walls inside the well which said, 
"Detective Lee... looks like it was the rabbit that died in the well and not the lion"

"That crazy psychopath"

[7:30 am; Gyeongju Police station]

"Jaemin, send these files to a computer expert and see if he can restore these tapes or not," I said handing him over the two tapes that I brought from Jeong Min-ho's clinic. Before Jaemin could question anything, team leader Cha entered the room with a file in his hand. 

"Y/n... didn't you say that out of all the surgical tools... a scalpel was missing?" He questioned

"Yes... what about it?"

"Well... the autopsy of the old lady says that she was stabbed by a surgical scalpel... and not a knife," He said and Minjun sunbae choked on the water that he was drinking. While we trying to process this information, a police officer knocked on the door of our room. He bowed to us before saying,

"There's a police officer from Gyo-dong who would like to speak to you" 

"Gyo-dong? Isn't that where Jang Soo-hee used to live?" Jaemin said making us nod. Not wasting any more time, we all rushed to the waiting area where the police officer was sitting. When he saw us arriving, he stood up from his seat and bowed to us and we did the same in return. 

"Officer... what is it that you wanted to tell us?" Minjun sunbae asked

"The first victim... Jang Soo-hee... she came to our police station to file a complaint about two months back" He said in his heavy voice and judging from his voice, it looked as if he was in his late 50s. 

"Jang Soo-hee came to file a complaint?"

"Yes... I didn't remember her name but when I saw her photo on the television, I recognized her. She came to the police about two months back, late at night saying a man used to follow her and once he even tried to ask her something by force" He said 

"Ask what?" 

"About the doctor who performed her neurosurgery a month back" The moment, he said that I could feel my heartbeat fasten. I gripped the hem of my shirt tightly and gulped the lump that had formed in my throat. The only person I could think about at that moment... was Jaehyun.  
Team leader cha and the others seemed to notice my condition so team leader Cha excused himself and asked the officer to follow him to write down his statement while Minjun sunbae and Jaemin stood there with me. 

"Sunbae... are you okay?" Jaemin asked with concern as I blinked a few times before nodding my head as an approval

"Y/n" Minjun sunbae called out

"I don't know about the next victims but one thing is for sure.... the main target of the killer... is your husband... Jeong Jaehyun"

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