Chapter 13- Yun-Oh's second session

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[Morning; Home]

Shifting under the covers, I opened my eyes when the sunlight fell on my face after escaping through the gaps among the curtains. I leaned against the headboard and rubbed my eyes before looking at Jaehyun who was fast asleep next to me. His hair fell on his forehead making him look more beautiful than ever. His long eyelashes and the small pout on his peach tint lips as his head was pressed against the pillow... everything about him is so comforting. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I leaned in to peck him on his forehead.
Just then he moved his head towards and I felt his lips on mine. I was taken aback by this but relaxed when I saw him open his eyes and wink before he kissed me. 

I could still taste the red wine that we had last night. Red wine is my second most favorite thing, his lips are still first. 

I pulled away and gave him a final peck on his forehead before he said,

"What a beautiful morning!" I smiled at his sentence and said,

"Indeed" While he stood up from the bed to freshen up, I reached out for my phone that was on the nightstand next to the bed. The first thing that caught my attention was the text that Jaemin send me and it said, "Sunbae, I looked into the two people you asked me to"

By the time I finished reading the text, I was already off the bed, getting ready like my life depended on it. Jaehyun came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist to check and found me getting ready for work... in a hurry. Even though he looked hot enough to make my jaw drop on the floor, I took a deep breath and decided to focus. That's right... Y/n... you know your husband is handsome and hot as hell but for now... FOCUS!

"Where are you off to? In such a hurry?" He asked while watching me pack my bag ready to run anytime

"Police station"

"Your breakfast-" 

"I'll have something on my way" I yelled after closing the door behind me

Jaehyun's POV:

"I'll have something on my way" She yelled and left the room, closing the door behind her with a loud noise not letting me complete my sentence. I looked at myself in the mirror next to me. I had my arms folded near my chest and while poking my cheek with my tongue I said,

"Y/n... what do I do? You really get on my nerves sometimes... how dare you interrupt me while I am talking?... shouldn't you be grateful while I'm being nice to you?" clicking my tongue, I chuckled before looking back into the mirror. Blinking a few times, I slowly unfolded my arms and stumbled back before I fell to the ground. Breathing heavily, with shaky hands I gripped onto the carpet and tears were already rolling down my eyes while I did so.

"No-o.... no.... please-e... dad-d... please... go-o away" I begged while joining my hands because I could see my dead dad's reflection in the mirror behind me. 

End of POV

[Time skip: Gyeongju Police station]

"Sunbae!" Jaemin stood up from his seat the moment he saw

"Tell me... what did you find?" I said while trying to catch my breath 

"Doctor Hwang Ye-Ji is a child psychiatrist and Seo Min-Ju is a florist. I got the address of doctor Hwang's clinic and Seo Min-Ju's flowers shop, here you" He said handing me over the address written on the piece of paper 

[Time skip: Technical branch]

"Detective Lee... Don't believe what the others say... because...Yun-oh wasn't the one who pushed me off the swing. He just happened to be there but he did not push me off the swing... I'm saying this because when I was pushed... I felt a cold metal thing touch my skin and at that time Yun-Oh wasn't wearing anything on his hand... the one who actually pushed me off the swing was..."

"Detective Lee" I was brought back to reality when I heard the officer calling me. He gestured to me that everything was set and I could go inside. I walked into the same room where I visited yesterday. Taking a seat, I wore the headphones and played the recording which said, "Yun-Oh's second session"

There was nothing heard for a moment, just the sound of the adjusting of the camera until the voice of doctor Hwang could be heard that said,

"Yun-oh... you remember me right?"

"Yes, doctor Hwang" This time, the voice was slightly heavy indicating that he was grown up now.

"Good... See... your mother and brother are here and they want you to answer some of my questions is that okay?" Again nothing could be heard just a faint sound which I later recognized to be that of someone biting their nails. 

"Yun-oh, your classmate says that you covered his face and hit him with a.... rod.... why did you do that?" My eyes widened at the statement

"He said I was a monster... but it wasn't I who was the monster... it is god... god is a monster because he let me become a monster like him" And after that, everything went silent again for a few minutes till I heard the typing of the keyboard in the background before doctor Hwang said,

"Mrs. Jeong... I couldn't say this in front of the kids but... during Yun-oh's session... I wasn't focused on Yun-oh but your older son because throughout the session... I could see him smirk every time I mentioned Yun-oh's classmate or when Yun-oh answered my questions and... he had that emptiness in his eyes that was in a psychopath's eyes" 

"Elder son? Is she talking about Jeong Min-Seok?" 

My questions were interrupted when my phone started ringing. Pausing the recording, I answered the call which was from Jaemin

"Sunbae! Where are you?" He yelled from the other side and from the sound in the background it seemed as if he was running

"Jaemin? What's wrong?"

"Sunbae... we have a witness who says that she might know who the killer is" 

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