Chapter 18- Say that you love me

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[Next morning]

My sleep was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I checked the timing and it was 5:30 in the morning. The sun hadn't risen yet and it was still dark outside. Removing Jaehyun's hand that was on my waist, I sat up on the bed and leaned against the headboard after switching on the table lamp. I reached out to my phone on the table which was still ringing. I was still half-asleep and I could hardly open my eyes, which is why I didn't check the contact before answering the call.

"Hello? Lee Y/n speaking," I said in a sleepy voice

"Y/n, where are you?" I recognized the voice. It was a call from team leader Cha.

"Oh? Team leader Cha? Why are you calling me this early?" I questioned while yawning

"Where are you?" He asked

"Where do you think people are at 5:30 in the morning? In their house, sleeping" I said and laid back down on the bed, ready to fall asleep anytime soon.

"Y/n... come to the police station soon... there have been two murders"

"Hmm... two murders... WHAT?!" 

[Time skip: First Crime scene]

It was 7:15 now and this was the shortest time with which I could reach the crime scene as fast as possible. This time, the crime scene was in a forest inside an old cabin. The crime scene had more reporters and people gathered outside than in the previous murders done by Im Hyun-Chul. Before entering the cabin, I overheard the reporters assuming that Im Hyun-Chul is back but that is not possible... because he was buried after he died by the police. There's no way Im Hyun-Chul but then the question arises... who did this?

The moment I entered the cabin, a strong smell of flesh decomposing hit my nose. It was a strong smell as if the decomposition had already started so I assumed that the victim was killed at least two days back. I covered my nose with a handkerchief and walked to where my team stood. Team leader Cha was talking with the forensic expert and Minjun sunbae was examining the victim while Jaemin stood next to me. I looked around the cabin and it looked as if it was burned.

"Where's the other crime scene?" I asked 

"The same old construction site where Im Hyun-Chul was found dead" Jaemin replied making my eyes widen a little. Minjun sunbae stood up from his place and walked toward us after removing his gloves. 

"This is bad," He said 

"What do you mean, sunbae?" Jaemin questioned. Minjun sunbae looked at us with an unsettling gaze and took a deep breath before he started speaking,

"I examined the body and from what I saw... there were 19 stab wounds... the right-hand missing index finger... and the same double bow knot" 

"You are trying to say someone is trying to copy the Yeongam Gurim murders again?" I asked and the answer that I expected was to be a 'yes' but the answer that I got... was something that everyone wished would've been a lie. 

"I wish the answer was a yes but... the double bow knots... broken ankles... the victims had marks on her wrist which indicate that she had been tied for a long time... just like the murders in Yeongam Gurim. We can't be sure of anything before the autopsy report but... this time... it truly feels as if Jeong Min-ho is back"

[Time skip: 7:30 pm; Gyeongju Police station]

"... just like Minjun predicted... the victims were tied for a long time which explains the marks on her wrist and... their right-hand index finger was cut off and their ankle was broken.... before her death... just like the Yeongam Gurim serial murders" Team leader cha said 

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