Mid Life Crisis

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Quin Jones

We all crowded around my moms bedside as she laid in bed hopeless. All of my mother's children stood around her and held hands, until my stepfather came and everyone let go of my hands.

"Excuse me." My stepfather said then he basically pushed my out of the way and took my spot.

I backed up and shook my head. I hated that man so much. He basically always singled me out because I wasn't his child, although I was the one that allowed him to marry my mom. I had known him pretty much all my life. He was a good to me then, but that all changed once he started getting my mom pregant. I only wished I knew my real dad. My mom claimed he was in prison, but didn't tell me what for.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Kinsley whined and she wrapped around his leg.

"How about icecream?" He asked her and everyone else. They all agreed, but then he turned to me and I knew exactly what he was going to ask. "Quin, you mind going out to get everyone icecream?"

"Actually, I do. You a grown man, you can do it. They your kids. You ain't ask me if I want any." I walked over to my mom and kissed her cheek then I left them in the hospital room. I decided to go to my girlfriends house and take a load off. Whenever I needed to talk, she would always be there.

"So how's your mom?" She asked as she made me ham and cheese sandwiches.

"She good. The doctor said that she should be back home tomorrow, but I actually kind of like her being at the hospital. When she at home, my stepdad always be try a run shit, but when she's at the hospital I can see her when I want." I explained.

"I wonder why he acts like that."

"Iono. I'm just tired. I feel like one day imma just blow on his ass. Everyday I try not to because of my mom."

Ava handed me a sandwich and bit into hers. I really wasn't that hungry so I just held it. "So what have the doctors been saying?"

"She has to go through more chemo. I know she tired. She told me herself. It's my step dad that keeps pushing her to do more and more. He don't want her to leave him four kids." I looked down.

"You wanna watch TV or something to get your mind off things?" Ava asked then she turned on the tv. Just so happened, the news was on and a guy was speaking.

"I'm proud to be out of jail. I'm a changed man and I have been for a while. I was just trying to protect my brothers and sisters, but things didn't go all the way right. I'm better now and I want to make things right with my family."

I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. I stood up and headed towards the door. "Where you going?" Ava asked.

"I gotta handle some business."

Ria Anna

I walked into my bedroom and kicked off my shoes. It had been a long day. I stayed on the phone my assistants and lawyers, trying to figure out how to keep my identity safe. I was a public figure and women looked up to me. If they found out I was a fraud, all that would change.

There was a knock on my bedroom door, before Kyzer walked in. Kyzer was my boo and the man that I loved so deeply. His chocolate brown skin, wavy hair, built body that was covered in tattoos, and the down south slang in his talk, made me melt. The only problem was he wasn't ready for anything serious.

I took off my blazer and threw it on the bed. "I can see someone had a long day." Kyzer said as he kicked off his shoes and laid across my bed.

"Maybe." I responded then I got on the bed and got on top of him.

"What no shower first?" He joked. Normally I would like to take a shower before sex. I felt that no woman should work all day then go make love.

"Shut up. I need you to handle something for me." I said seriously.

He faced straightened up. "What?"

"You remember that guy, Trey?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He's threatening to out me. I need you to take care of it."


"This weekend. I'm going to plan a nice dinner for me and him and then....."

"Yeah I got it." He pushed me off of him and got off the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired of going threw this with you. You know how many cases I don't bout caught cause of you. I like you and everything, but I can't fix shit everyone you fuck up. He explained. "I'm not like your father." He added.

I grew furious. How dare he speak of my father? "Your right your not like my father. My father had way more balls then you. You think I don't know why you don't want something serious? Well I do. You just want my money like your dad wanted my fathers. I'm not stupid. I was just using you for some good dick every now and again so save that shit for your babymama."

He gave me a hard stare then he picked up his shoes and stormed out of my room.


I sat in the evaluation room, waiting for the detectives to question me. It had been one long night. I was first sent to the questioning and was questioning, then I was sent to a lab so they could look at my vagina and do some test and here I and back in the questioning room. I knew all about being questioned since I was the "daughter" of a lawyer. They ask the same shit over again to make sure you didn't change your story. I still hadn't told them that I had record the incident with my phone. I didn't want to give it away like that. I wanted to go to court and then let everyone listen to that disgusting prick and if they still didn't believe me, I had video footage.

The detectives came back into the room. They sat down across from me and one of them opened a file. "Your results came back."

"And." I said, dying to hear what they were.

"Why did you lie?" He asked.

"What?" I asked. "I didn't lie about anything. I have proof. Tons of it."

"Proof like what?"

"Voice recordings, video footage, the proof is in the vagina." I said, without trying to giggle at the last part. "Heo could the test results be negative? Why would I have to lie about my father raping me?"

"Because he's not your father."

Quincy Jones Jr.

"So how you feeling?" My lawyer asked as we walked away from the prison.

"Good. I'm just ready to get into the real world. The last time I was out here, I was just a youngin."

He unlocked the doors to his car and we got inside. "I know your excited about being back out here, but things have seriously changed."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I got some research you wanted. Your mother is living under the radar, but I found her. She lives in a small town in Texas along with her new husband and children, she's also taking care of your brother, but that ain't all. She's in the hospital battling cancer. And your sister Bria, she's under the radar as well, but as some big fashion designer. Your younger sister is currently under investigation for a murder she committed."

"And my dad?"

"He's serving a life sentence. I don't know in what jail." He replied. "What do you want to do now?"

I sighed. "I want you to get me in on one of my sisters fashion shows or something." He looked me up and down then frowned. "What?"

"You really think she's going to let you be a model while your covered in tattoos?"

"We'll see."

Sorry I took so long. I've been having a lot going on. I wrote this chapter pretty quick. It may be a little confusing, but you should catch on within the next chapter. I know the ending sucks!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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