Chapter Four

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I stood over her as she laid on the floor, her nose dripping blood. Rich and Milan came in. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" Milan yelled and got her knees next to Kayanna. She rolled her over and saw the blood on her face, dripping on the floor.

I looked up at Rich, who was giving me the what the fuck did you do face. "I ain't do shit." I said. I put my paining and blood covered hand in my pocket.

"What did you do?" Kayanna asked as she laid Kayanna's head on her thigh.

"Nothing. She just had a little nose bleed and passed out. I think she got too heated from the argument." I lied. I knew the only reason her nose was bleeding was because I punched the shit out of her. I hoped I had killed her or at least put her in a coma.

She was driving me up the wall. I couldn't take it anymore. She thought she was running shit.

Kayanna groaned. "Kayanna, your okay, you alive." Milan said, excitedly.

"I'm going to go get some towels." she said then she walked out of the room.

Rich walked over to me. "You know she ain't a nose bleed from an argument. You beat her didn't you?"

"Not good enough." I said.

We heard a thud from down the hall and a loud scream that sounded like it came from Milan. Me and Rich was into the hall to see Mariah. She was stabbed up and it looked like she had been stuffed in the towel closet, but when Milan opened the door she had fallen out.

"What the fuck is the wrong with you?" Milan asked.

"I ain't do this." I said.

"Dad." Lil Q said as he popped up behind me.

"Go to your room." I demanded.

He ran back to his room and I just stood there in frustration. "What do we do?" Rich asked.

"I'm calling the police." Milan said and started to walk to the bedroom.

"NO!" Rich yelled and pulled her back.

"Do you see this? Its a fucking dead body in your hallway closet." She cried.

"You just go take care of Kayanna and me and Rich will handle this." I said.

She looked at us like we were crazy and walked back to the bedroom. "So what are we going to do with her?" Rich asked.

I didn't say anything. I could feel the anger building inside me. She had really fucked. I walked into the bedroom where Milan was sitting next to Kayanna on the floor, cleaning the blood off her face.  "Milan, will you excuse us for a minute?" I asked.

"No." she said.

"Do you want a place to live?" I asked.

She thought about her answer for a bit then she kissed Kayanna on the cheek. She walked out of the room, bumping me on the way out. I shut the door behind me and locked it.


I stood outside the bedroom door, trying to hear what was happening on the other side. "Nosey ass." Rich said.

I looked at him. "I'm nosey, but your a killer."

"Hold up. You think I killed her?" he asked and pointed down at Mariahs dead body.

"I don't know. Maybe." I walked towards him and got close to his face. "If something happens to my friend, you and Quincy are going down."

"Is that a threat?"

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