Chapter 12 Continued Part 4

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Sorry guys for not updating last week!
Enjoy this little chapter!!
Wednesday 6 May, 2015

I was in a brightly lit room with a big, nice looking bed to the right of me. The bed frame was made out of the darkest; most beautiful dark brown wood I'd ever seen. The bed's top was against the wall and the bed had thick wooden pillars that rose up near the roof of the room with white mesh material tied to the pillars with dark brown ribbon. The bed frame was high off the ground but the mattress made the bed seem higher. I loved high beds; the thought of literarily jumping into bed after a hard day excited me. I heard the noise of voices speaking. I looked to my left. There were two people in the room with me. How didn't I see them before? They were both women. One was wearing a lovely yellow dress and the other was wearing an old black dress that looked worn in. The women with the black dress had her greying hair up in a bun. It looked like she was fixing up the younger women's dress. It dawned on me a second later that it was a Lady and her maid. Where was I? When was I? Who were these people? The maid moved and I saw a glimpse of her face. Her mouth seemed set in a straight line, her brown eyes miserable with bags under them, her nose was small for her oval face and her skin looked old and lethally. It looked like she hadn't slept or hadn't slept well for many days. I couldn't see the other women's face but the dress looked familiar. It fitted her body perfectly, like it was made for her. The young women's long black hair fell straight down her back. There was a knock at the door.
"Can you please see who that is Mary?" the young women asked in a voice that sounded very commanding.
"Yes Miss." Mary said and went to the door. She and the visitor whispered at the door while I moved closer to the women in the yellow dress. She was looking in a mirror. It was me! It was me from the 1900th century! This must be before I was downstairs when Trevor announced the wedding. I wonder if she- me? - knew what was waiting for her downstairs? Most likely. She- me- seemed happy yet sad at the same time. I wonder why. This is supposed to be one of the best days of your life. She frowned and looked to her left. To me. Dead on. She was looking right at me. She seemed to know I was there as she smiled and I smiled back at her a bit freaked out. It was like she sensed me.
"Don't worry. It will be over soon. You'll remember very soon. They love you. Trust them. But most of all trust yourself, trust your gut. There are things out there that'll try and hurt you- keep them at bay. You must." She whispered at me. Trust them? Was she meaning Daniel and Trevor? She must be. Was she even talking to me? Did she know I was there? Could she see me?
"Ok? Have a nice wedding?" I said to her. Me. I was talking to me. From the past. It was interesting.
"I will. Thank you." She replied with a smile. Something wasn't right.
"How do we look exactly the same? Are you, like, one of my ancestors or something?" I asked. She laughed lightly.
"No I'm not one of your ancestors. I am you. And you are me. We are one. We are the same. Just from different points in time." She said lightly as if this was normal. To me this was pretty heavy stuff. That wasn't it. There was something else.
"Ok." I said. Then it clicked. How could I have forgotten? "You're her. That's where I've seen you before! When I was little I dreamt of you. You were like a big sister to me. You used to tell me stories and play games with me and stuff. It was so much fun! You used to be there every time I closed my eyes. I remember I used to be so excited when it came to bed time. I always went to bed early so that we got more time to play. You used to push me on the swing of that big old tree. It was so much fun. You even had that exact dress on all the time! Then one day you just weren't there. And then you never showed again. How could I have forgotten something so important to me?" I continued. She seemed surprised. Oh that probably hadn't happened to her yet, that would be her future but it was my past.
"Well, I'm so sorry for leaving you." She said.
"It's ok."
"What kind of stories did I tell you?"
"You told me of the most wonderful places. You told me about your past and where you'd travelled and where you wanted to go. You also told me of the most impossible things. But now I guess they weren't so impossible." I said. She smiled.
"What impossible things did I tell you about?" she questioned.
"You told me stories about vampires and werewolves and angels and fallen angels and demons and the Earth. But the stories you told the most were about two of the kindest, generous, handsome men that you'd ever met. You always said you loved them with all your heart." I said recalling the words of memories from a time so long ago. I still can't believe I had forgotten them. She smiled a sad smile as if she knew exactly who I was talking about.
"Ah yes. I believe I would have said something along those lines."
"You haven't done that yet have you? I've just gave you something from your future. Sorry. I bet that's not supposed to happen."
"No, it's quite all right that you did say something. Now I know so now I can do it. I now know what to say and do. You just made it happen."
"Are you saying that because I just told you about my past and my past is your future that I just made my past happen?" I said. "Wait. Yeah, that makes sense."
"Yes that is exactly what I'm saying. I'm glad you get it. So." She said.
"Miss? Who are you talking to?" someone said. I looked toward the middle of the room. It was Mary. Me from the past, Elizabeth, her name was Elizabeth, that's right, she seemed surprised and like me, had forgotten about Mary. Elizabeth turned around to face her servant.
"No one Mary. You must be imagining things." Elizabeth said with a straight face. The maid looked at her with narrowed eyes. She looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't. "Well Mary? Spit it out. You know how I don't like people keeping their mouth shut when they want to say something."
"I wasn't going to say anything, my Lady."
"Come on Mary, we're all friends here. Just say it. I won't mind." Elizabeth said to Mary. Mary looked uncomfortable.
"I mean no offense when I say this Miss Elizabeth."
"I know, Mary."
"I was going to say that just because I'm old doesn't mean I'm blind or deaf. I saw and heard you talking to someone or something that's not there. It was like you were having a conversation with someone."
"I was having a conversation Mary. You just can't see her."
"Oh God help me, are you saying you have an imaginary friend?"
"Heavens no. She is very real I assure you."
"But Miss, no one's there."
"You just can't see her, that's all." she said then looked back at me.
"Sorry." I said to her.
"Don't be ridiculous, this isn't your fault. I'm glad I met you. I'm glad you showed up today. Just then."
"Oh, Miss. There you go again!" Mary said accusingly. Elizabeth sighed.
"Sorry if I am worrying you Mary. Better get back to getting me ready for the party, Mary."
"Yes Miss." Mary said. She walked back over to Elizabeth who stood back up on the wooden stool. Mary fixed up the rest of the bottom of the beautiful dress.
"That is a lovely dress. Huh, I guess I chose Charles Fredrick Worth to do my report on for a reason. And I guess I chose him because I actually knew him a little." I said out loud. Elizabeth nodded.
"That could be why." She replied back. Mary stopped and looked at her like she was mad. I guess to her Elizabeth was going mad. "Stress. It might be the stress of the weekend that's making me act a little weird." She continued after a minute to Mary.
"I guess it could be Miss." Mary said. They didn't speak after that. Elizabeth looked out the corner of her eye at me. She frowned at me. I looked down. I was starting to fade away.
"No!" I said. Elizabeth's frown deepened.
"Remember trust them. Love them. Most importantly trust your gut and protect them. There are people out there that want to hurt you. Get them before they get you." I heard her say before I faded.

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