Chapter 1

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Wednesday, October 8 2014.
Willow Moore to the side or above...

Chapter 1-
I rolled over and my eyes went wide as I fell out of bed. I landed on my carpeted floor with a thud. Ouch. I guess I didn't have as much room left on my bed as I thought. I sighed. It was Friday morning. Strangely I felt happy; maybe it was because it was a long weekend. Also, because my birthday was two weeks away, today. I couldn't wait! I'd get my licence, get a car and be able to drive myself everywhere I wanted whenever I wanted! I was turning sixteen. The big one-six. I had knocked a pillow off my bed when I fell. As I stood up I grabbed it. What? There were feathers everywhere on the floor. I plucked one off the floor to examine it. I looked at my bed. There were feathers all over it as well. What? I looked down at my pillow then slowly turned it over. The pillow had nearly been ripped to shreds. What had happened to it? I looked at my nails. They weren't even long! Did I really do it? I'd have to clean that up after school. I didn't have time now. I walked over to my closet, picked out my favourite short-shorts, my denim jean ones, and a light purple tank top. I walked into my bathroom, pulling my tank top down to the start of my pockets. I looked at the mirror above the sink and saw a brown eyed, black haired, super lightly tanned, thin girl looking back at me. I wasn't thin thin I was just... thin. I'd always been like that though and I don't know how with how much I ate. I could eat all day but I never changed, I was always thin. I didn't mind it, most girls would kill to be thin but it was just strange. The doctor said I must have a high metabolism or something. My hair was a mess, I had serious bedhead. I brushed my hair, leaving it out as I just got it cut yesterday and so that I could show off my new fringe. I walked downstairs for breakfast after I was happy at how my hair sat. I got a bowl from the cupboard and grabbed the box with the Wheet-Bixs in it. I was half way through when Todd came into the kitchen wearing jeans that went to his knees and a white T shirt that said in black letters 'Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am'. I laughed once I finished reading the shirt. Todd was my only sibling. He was older than me by two years. He already had his license being eighteen and all.
"Morning." he said, still half asleep.
"Morning." I said back with a smile.
"What are you so happy about?" he asked, frowning.
"I'm not really sure... but I think it's because of the long weekend." I told him, smiling. Then I frowned when I realised that I may have to walk to school, again. It was as if Todd could read my mind because he said, "Hey, you need a ride to school?"
"Yes please. I'm not walkin' again." I replied, laughing. Well it was only that one time I walked to school because Todd was sick and mum and dad were nowhere to be found so I had to walk. Never again. Wait, why did I think I might have to walk to school again, it's not like Todd isn't going today or anything like that...strange.
"Ok." Was all I got back. As we were leaving we called "Love you mom and dad" over our shoulders. There was no reply, like always. We walked to the garage and hopped into Todd's black two-door Holden Ute. It was great as it was only me and Todd in it at a time. Sometimes we had an extra, a friend, and then it got a little squishy on the passenger's side of the car. I put my bag in front of my feet and Todd shoved his bag at me, surprising me. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and as we waited for the garage door to open he looked at me from the corner of his eye and he couldn't help but smile a little. Before I knew it I was smiling as well. Damn. Todd had one up on me, again, but not for long.
On the way to school I looked out the window absently and I thought I saw someone watching us. I turned away from the window quickly in surprise and a little freaked.
"You ok? Is anything wrong?" Todd asked, concerned as always. He must have noticed my sudden movements, but when I looked back out the window, no one was there.
"Yeah I'm ok, nothing's wrong." I said. It must have been my imagination. There are a lot of cars driving on this road; they could've been looking at anyone. But of course I had to make things all about me. I looked over at Todd. He had always cared about me too much but I was cool with it. It's good to know that someone cares about you that little bit more.
When we got to school, we were one of the first couple of people there. I looked at my watch. It was seven-fifteen in the morning! I've never been at school at this time in the morning- most of the time I'm in bed till noon.
"Thanks for the lift bro." I said as I gave him an awkward one-armed hug and kissed his cheek before I hopped out of the car. It was the same every morning that he dropped me off here, which was every day. I sighed as I turned around to wave him good-bye and as always, he waved back. I watched as he drove out of the drop-stop-and-go area and into the parking lot. I watched as he parked in the closest park to him. I just wanted to know where he parked. He got out of the car then clicked the lock button on his keys. The 'beep beep' of the car locking sounded a second later. He looked up from his phone, most likely checking the time, and gave me the motion of tipping an invisible hat. I shook my head at him and walked away.
I walked over to the lunch tables and sat down. It was funny because I never sat at a lunch table like this. Todd was only here at this time because Todd's friends where doing something this morning. I was only here because I didn't want to walk. What was I going to do for an hour? I took out my note pad and a pencil. I laughed at myself internally. What? I was going to draw? Me? I couldn't draw a damn thing even if my life depended on it. Well I could do stick figures and I could do 'M''s for birds. I leaned back in my chair with the pencil in my hand thinking about what to do with all the spare time. I was startled about five minutes later by my best friend, Sonny. I accidently fell off my chair and landed on the cold, hard concrete.
"Morning to you too." I mumbled as I picked myself off the ground. I couldn't help but look around to see if anyone was watching. No one was but I was still going red because I knew I fell and so did Sonny. She was wearing red short-shorts and her all-time favourite black shirt with white letters that said, 'Don't annoy the crazy person', and it suited her perfectly. Her shoulder-length light brown hair was in a high ponytail, tied with a black scrunchy and she had her famous red combat boots on; overall her outfit looked good, as always, and to top off what she was wearing, she wore little make-up on her beautiful, flawless face, bringing out her brown eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were day dreaming." Sonny replied, laughing.
"I was not day dreaming." I protested, my cheeks getting hotter.
"Ok ok." Sonny said still chuckling. "Hey, you got a haircut! It looks awesome! A fringe; really? A fringe! Oh my God, it totally suits you! Your hair was getting to long anyway; it was like all the way to the bottom of your back wasn't it? How long is it now?" she gushed and ran around me, saw my hair length, then ran back around to face me before continuing, "Oh my God, it's like, now only half your back! It looks so much better now, seriously!"
"Thank you, I guess. Yeah, it does suit me does in it." I said.
"Nice wolf. I didn't know you were so good. Oh wait, you're not. How'd you do it? Did you get someone else to draw it for you?" Sonny said, eyeing my note pad. Oops. While I was day dreaming I must have drawn a wolf, and to my surprise it was really good. It was only its head but there was a lot of detail. How I'd drawn the eyes, nose, mouth and fur had really given it that real-life look. I'd even shaded it darker in some places and light in others! How did I draw that? I'm not that good; my people were stick figures! And not even good ones! The eyes were shaded so dark that they looked black not the silver colour of the pencil I still had in my hand, the mouth was lifted up a bit showing a few sharp teeth, the nostrils seemed flared and the bones in its face going from the eyes down to the nose were very distinctive. Another thing about the drawing was the ears which were back and flat against its head. I would have missed them if I hadn't of drawn the line so dark. It was amazing. I then had the sudden thought that someone could have come up to the table while I was in Willow World and drawn it for me. Nah. I had to smile at the thought though.
"You just thought that someone could've come up and drawn that picture in your note book while you were in Willow World, didn't you?" Sonny said, hands on hips and a massive grin on her face. She always just had this way of... reading me.
"No." I lied.
"You just lied didn't you?"
"I knew it!" she said in a victorious voice. She slung her left arm over my shoulder. Then the bell rung and I glanced at my watch. Whoa. It was 8:50. I must have been day dreaming for longer than I thought. Oh well. We started the short distanced walk to our first class. Crap. We were going to be late if we didn't hurry.
It may be a little boring right now but you must meet the characters!

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