Chapter 13 Continued Part 3

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Wednesday 24 June, 2015

"Ow." I grunted and jumped around a few times as I kicked my toe on the post. Ow. Ow. Ow. I sat on the edge of the bed and dusted my feet off with my hand to get dirt off. Surprisingly there was nothing on the bottom of my feet. Then after a second of thinking, it didn't surprise me that there was no dirt or anything on the floor. I slipped my feet under the covers and pulled them up to my chin. I turned to my right and put my arm under the pillow. I shut my eyes. During the night I tossed and turned and kept waking up. I couldn't get comfortable. I missed my bed. I missed the familiar big think doona that kept me warm. I missed my room. By the time it was early morning- maybe five am? - I had gotten maybe a bit over three hours of sleep. But then I turned so I was on my stomach and fell asleep, finally.

All of a sudden I was being shaken awake. I groaned.
"Go away. Five more minutes." I said and made a shooing motion with my hand.
"I'd say yes but if you don't get up now we're going to be late." They said. That wasn't Todd. I wasn't at home, I remembered. I was in Trevor's house. Trevor! I yelped and sat up, pulling the blanket up with me. How had I forgotten where I was? He looked at me, amused, then realised and looked away. I cleared my throat.
"Sorry. I'll be right out." I said. He looked back at me.
"Ok." He said but didn't move. He wanted to say something; I could see it in the way he was sitting. I waited. I didn't want to upset him so I kept waiting without saying anything. I thought about moving closer to him or putting my arms around him but didn't. I didn't want to hurt him or myself even more than this day was going to. I was looking at him, waiting silently, when all of a sudden he wasn't there anymore. The door closed in the same second. I realised that he'd run out of the room using his vampire speed. That made me feel so much better. He'd gone out of the room because he didn't want to say whatever it was to me. I chucked the blanket off me and got out of bed. I placed my bag on the bed. What had he packed for me? I unzipped it and pulled out the clothes. There were three tank tops, two T shirts, three pairs of shorts and two pairs of jeans. And a jumper. I looked back into the bag. My hands flew up to my mouth. He couldn't have! No! He went through my underwear draw? And picked some out? No. He couldn't have. But he did as I didn't do it and he admitted to packing the bag. I saw him standing there going through the drawer. No. I shook my head as I imaged him looking through my underwear then holding them up for Daniel and himself to get a better look. I shook my head again, getting the image out of my mind. I felt my face with the back of my hands, my cheeks were hot. Um, what was I going to wear? I chose to wear my dark blue jeans and my dark purple tank top. I was wearing the exact same thing last Friday except for the shade of my shirt was different. Did he choose them on purpose or was it just coincidence that he chose nearly the exact same outfit that I was wearing when we met? There was a can of deodorant in the pocket of the bag. I always kept one in it in case I forgot. It was roll on. I unscrewed the lid and put some on. I put everything back into the bag, zipped it up and was headed for the door when I remembered I hadn't made the bed. I put my bag on the floor, walked back over to the bed and pulled up the covers so it covered the pillows. I straightened it out then went to the other side of the bed and got the pillows. When I was done and I was looking at the bed, it wasn't the same as when I'd first come in. There was a knock at the door. I picked up my bag and opened the door. Trevor was standing there of course. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black T shirt. He was also wearing red converses. I loved converses but didn't actually have a pair sadly.
"Sorry. Um about the bed, I couldn't remember where the pillows and stuff went so yeah." I said.
"It's alright." He said nodding. He stepped out of the way to let me through the door. "Breakfast?" he asked.
"Oh no thanks. I'm not really a breakfast person."
"Oh." He said disappointed.
"But if you've done something then sure."
"No it's ok."
"No it's not okay. Did you have something organised for breakfast?" I insisted.
"Maybe." He said, his cheeks going slightly pink. "But don't worry about it."
"Don't worry about it? How couldn't I not worry about it? Is it in the kitchen?"
"No, really, it's fine." He said. I took that as a yes about it being in the kitchen.
"Ok then." I said and walked past him.
"Where are you going?" he asked already knowing.
"You know where."
"I said don't worry about it."
"I know." I said back to him from the door way of the kitchen.

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