Chapter 2 Continued

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Hi everyone, how are you?
It's Wednesday again!
Wednesday, 29th October 2014
I was woken up by Todd the next morning. Saturday. What the hell was he doing? Waking me up now? Why was he shaking me so hard?
"What do you want?" I whispered fiercely, eyes still shut.
"There's someone on the phone for you." he whispered back and handed the phone to me. Who could it be? Who would call me on a Saturday morning? It couldn't be Daniel, could it? It probably was, cancelling tomorrow's 'hang out'. Then all of a sudden I realised who it was. Crap! Trevor! What do I say to him?
"Hello?" I asked with a sleepy voice even though I knew who it was. I was trying to avoid the question I knew he wanted the answer to.
"It's Trevor. So do you have an answer for me?" he said kinda rushed.
"What kind of 'Go out' are you meaning? Friends or more-than-friends?" I asked trying to avoid the question. This time it didn't work. Not one bit. Worse, Todd was right there next to me. As soon as I said it his eyebrows rose at the question and in surprise.
"Stop trying to avoid the question. Of course it's more than friends. Now, what's the answer?" he asked, getting angry.
"The answer is no, Trevor. Here's a tip though, most girls don't like to be yelled at. I don't like to be yelled at ok?" I said in a 'don't-talk-to-me-like-that' voice, surprising myself and obviously him as well. I hung up. Todd raised his eyebrows at me and made a cat clawing motion with his hand.
"The claws are out!" he said mockingly.
I groaned and said, "Go away. And take the phone with you." I held the phone out for him. He took it and then I rolled over so my face was in my pillow. I felt sad, all of a sudden. Strange. But it doesn't change the fact that I didn't like him speaking to me like that. No one likes to be yelled at. Todd did as I asked and walked to my bedroom door, phone in hand.
"Willow's got a crush. Willow's got a crush. Wait, Willow's got two crushes. Oooohh! Go Willow! Yeah girl! You go girl!" he said in his best impression of a teenage girl which was made even funnier by him still wearing his PJs as no girl would wear something like that, it clashes! "Don't smile now!" he added. I couldn't help but smile. He was such a weirdo.
"Go away!" I said; my voice muffled from my face being in my pillow.
"Was that why Sonny was here last night? So you could talk about boys? Now Willow, I don't want you to get into any trouble." He said the last sentence in a fake parent voice. Oh. My. God. Is he for real?
"Out!" I said and threw a pillow at him. I missed. But he walked out of my room and, of course, didn't shut the door. I groaned as I got up and walked to my door.

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