Chapter 4

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Wednesday 26, 2014
Thank you all for reading this story...I see that my views have gone up just a guys are the ones keeping this story going...thanks again...hope you're still enjoying it and I know coming up it (to me) gets really good!!!
Enjoy guys:

Chapter 4-
It was me. Me in a white wedding dress; I even had one of those vials on. My heart sank to my feet. It went straight down like the Titanic. I stood there for a second thinking about where to hide it. If Todd saw this sketch he'd go ballistic. He couldn't see it, he couldn't. I had to hide it, but where? Duh, of course. Why didn't I think of this before? Doesn't matter, I just thought of it. I walked over to one of the pictures of the wall. It was my favourite. It was a picture of a palomino. It was a beautiful picture. The picture was actually covering a little secret compartment. If you didn't know it was there you would never see it or never know about it. Well that was the point- that no one realised there was a secret compartment behind the picture. I didn't even know it was there until a few years ago when I dreamt of it. It was scary. There was this lady who gave me instructions about where it was and how to access it. The lady wasn't old; she was in her late teens early twenties and had brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes. She was pretty with her nice smile and kind face. I pushed the bottom right corner and the door opened. I slipped the note inside, shut the door and walked away. I stumbled forward and nearly face planted but caught myself on my hands and knees. What the? I tried to look behind me to see who had pushed me but they grabbed my hair and slammed me back into the floor, I didn't even have time to scream, it happened so fast. There was blood from my face on the floor. Everything went black, again.

Todd and I were holding hands, running faster and faster every time our feet touched the ground. Inhumanly fast. I had this feeling that I'd been there before. Then I realised that it was the forest, the one just outside of town. I noticed that we were shaking from anger, shaking very hard. All of a sudden Todd looked out of the corner of his eye, nodded then dropped my hand and sprinted forward. He jumped into the air and... and exploded into a wolf. The wolf landed on the ground with a soft 'thud'. The Todd-wolf was a dark grey colour. The wolf looked at me and in his eyes it looked like he was trying to speak. He looked at me with the question- "Are you going to try?" I nodded and did exactly as he did. The thing was I had just seen my brother transform into this wolf and I wasn't even surprised. Or scared. And I was about to do the same thing he did and I wasn't the tiniest bit scared. Then there was this sound, like something ripping, and then I was looking at the trees from a different height. Did I just become a wolf? I looked down. No fingers. Just paws. I heard Todd's voice in my head.
"Yeah. We can talk through our minds. Cool huh?" he said. What? What was I supposed to say to that?
"Um, yeah, I guess." I said back. There was a question nagging at the back of my mind. "Todd? What colour am I?" For some reason I wasn't scared about being a wolf. I felt free, like I'd been trapped for so long and just then I'd been released. I stretched. Front paws out in front, butt in the air until the stiffness in my muscles went away. It didn't take long. It felt like I'd just woken up from a long sleep. Or, maybe, it was because I hadn't changed in a while.
"Jet-black. Means you're the leader or Alpha of the pack or going to be." He said, laughing in his mind. I blinked. It felt weird and my breathing seemed heavier.
"Really? Cool." I replied, happier, but it didn't last long as there had to be a reason for us being wolves. "What do we do? Like we have to do something, right?" I asked him.
"It's just like in your books- we kill vampires. Well, the bad ones anyway. You know, if one came along and started killing humans, we would kill him. But sometimes we just change and ran around in our wolf forms." He said. It was as if I had just been transported into one of my books, like he said. It was cool and scary at the same time. I couldn't believe it.
"Is it like the books? We rip them apart and burn the pieces?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, but there are 'good' vampires out there that only feed on animal blood." He said. I've just been transported into the Twilight series or The Vampire Diaries.
"How do we change back into human form?" I asked, thinking we would be stuck like this. For good.
"Well when we're angry we shake, like before. Then if we don't calm down, quickly, we go wolf. So to change back all we need to do is calm down enough to stand on our back feet. Oh and we have to want it- change back. Or we just stay wolf until we want to change back. But you don't always have to be angry to turn; you can do it whenever you want. Only bad thing is that we have to patrol."
"Patrol?" I asked. What was that? Yep. Straight into the Twilight series. All those times of thinking what it would be like to be a werewolf and how cool it would be are over, I thought. This was going to be... interesting. For sure.
"We patrol to see if there are any vampires in or around the town."
"Oh. Ok and how often do we do that?" I hope it's not...
"Every night." he said sadly. That was the answer I was hoping not to hear. I groaned in my head and thought- of course we do.
"I agree." he said. I knew I was dreaming. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real.

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