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the atmosphere around the five boys was tense, "why didn't you tell us beomie?" hueningkai asked softly, his hand resting on beomgyu's leg.

taehyun had been quiet ever since he had found out, same with yeonjun.

"i don't know." beomgyu whispered, his eyes falling to his hands below him.

taehyun abruptly stood up, and walked out of the room. leaving beomgyu surrounded by his own thoughts.

the boy knew that falling in love with taehyun was a risky choice. he knew he'd have to leave him, because simply he wasn't able to stay on this earth forever.

although beomgyu was grateful for the time he has gotten, it was not enough for the boy. he had just met the boy he loved ever so dearly, the boy who put a smile on his face, the boy that made life worth living.

beomgyu weakly shook the covers off, and stood up from the bed. his weak frame shaking as he stood. "i-i need to talk to him." beomgyu whimpered out, yeonjun nodded.

he stepped outside of his dimly lit room, and was met with the bright lights from the outside. taehyun stood against the wall, hands balled up on the side of his head. he was crouched down onto the floor; his head into his knees.

beomgyu slowly walked over, and sat next to the boy. "hyunnie..." beomgyu whispered, causing taehyun to simply break down. his head fell onto beomgyu's lap, and beomgyu just held the sobbing boy.

biting back a sob of his own.

"i-i cant lose you. i c-cant..." taehyun hiccuped in between words, tears streaming down his pretty pale cheeks. "tae, look at me." beomgyu said softly, taehyun meekly held his head up and stared at his beautiful boyfriend.

"we cant change our future, i cant stop it. if i would, i could because i can't put you through that pain. but hyun, i need you to promise that you won't be heartbroken. that you won't hold onto me." beomgyu said, his throat hitching and closing.

"i cant move on from you." taehyun said softly, his hand clasping onto beomgyu's hospital gown.

"i'm not asking you to move on beautiful, im asking you not to hold on. p-please.." he stopped, the tears brimming onto his eyelashes, "don't stop yourself from falling in love. when the time comes, i'll be here. and we will meet again okay. i promise you." he said with a sad smile, "i promise i'll be waiting for you until the day comes."

taehyun couldn't even form a sentence, "let's go...i have to talk to yeonjun..." beomgyu weakly spoke.

"beomgyu..." taehyun said softly, "yeah?"

"i'll never love anyone like you."

"i'll never love anyone but you." beomgyu whispered back, pushing his lips onto his temple.

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