ep 05; entering into his heart

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"YOU WHAT???" Isabell raised her voice at y/n after she heard what y/n has gotten herself into by confessing her feelings to jungkook.

"you don't have to shout you know. I am right beside you." y/n said looking down at her lap. her hair was covering her face as she was already in a distressed state after reflecting on her actions that day.

"are you crazy? I mean how? how did you even manage to say that?" Isabell asked still not wanting to believe that her friend did something totally crazy like that. 

"I don't know. I must have been really crazy. ahh..." y/n said as she harshly dropped her face onto the table that was in front of her. she was lucky to have some extra time before their next lecture begins. it really helped get things out of her chest without a problem. 

"yeah, you were extremely crazy. damn girl. what are you gonna do now?" 

"right! what am I gonna do now? ahh... stupid, crazy y/n!! what are you gonna do now???? he is gonna ruin me now using this... ahhhh..." y/n kept bumping her head onto the table totally going crazy over the fact now jungkook being aware of her feelings. even though he asked her to run away, somewhere deep in her heart she knew that he would never let her get away from him.

not like she wanted to get away from him. she would use every chance she would get to stay closer to him. to figure him out. to give that love which would heal his wounds. but she never wanted to let him know about her feelings this easily. it just that she got caught in the heat of the moment before blabbering out her feelings. 

it was not like she was lying. she likes him. she really does. but like damn she is not ready yet. what is she gonna do when she sees him the next time? she has no idea.

"y/n?" Isabell tapped on y/n's shoulder to get her attention back to her.

"what?" y/n asked turning her head towards her still covering her face with her hair. she was ashamed and stressed about her own actions that were taken without thinking twice.

but Isabell was not looking at her. she was looking upfront. her attention was on someone else that stood in front of their table. 

y/n slowly looked up to see where Isabell was looking and her eyes got locked with the last person she wanted to see right then. jeon jungkook.

he was looking straightly at her. he didn't bother to look at Isabell. his sole attention was on her. his one and only target. his eyes did not hold that rage or darkness anymore. it was soft. they were reflecting his truest yet hidden feelings towards her. but he used that to his advantage, to make her fall in love with him. more. to the point where she couldn't live without him. 

if he could use his feelings like that for his own good. he did not care about anything else. it didn't matter whether he get hurt or not. he had already gotten hurt in the past, nothing more could surpass that pain anymore. the only thing he cared about now was hurting him. the same way he hurt jungkook. jungkook wanted to tear his soul apart the same way he did to him.

"can I sit here?" jungkook asked, this time looking at Isabell. he was asking permission from her to sit beside y/n. NO LIKE HE WOULD. he was commanding her to leave. to leave y/n alone with him. his eyes clearly held that message for Isabell even though his voice sounded like he was asking permission. 

Isabell gulped down on her salvia under his gaze. she was not liking his presence at all. she was not liking how y/n kept getting involved with him. yet here she was second guessing her choices in life because of him. she knew better than to get on his wrong book. she couldn't afford to get her life messed up by going against him. she knew that with each passing second she was staying there, jungkook was killing her in his mind.

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