ep 06; exposed plans

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y/n has been staring at her phone for a while now, without even blinking. to be more precise she was staring at the contact number of jungkook.

ever since the evening incident, she couldn't get him out of her head. his look, the way he asked her to go. it was worrying her to death.

she wanted to call jungkook. she wanted to know what happened. she wanted to at least hear his voice. but the fact that she has never even texted him kept her on the bay from making any movement.

she could have just waited for the next day. meeting him in the college would be the best way to approach him about this. but she just could not. not when she hadn't got another week for him. she had to talk to him. it was now or never.

after taking a deep breath she pressed the dial button. it connected. it started ringing. 

with each ringing sound, her heart started beating faster and faster. she unconsciously started picking on her lips out of the nervousness she felt. her heart was ready to drop at any given moment she hear his voice. his deep yet angelic voice.


jungkook finished his beer and slammed the empty can on the table before looking at his ringing phone. he sighed at the name that popped up. 'bambi'.

as much as his heart was craving to hear her honey-like voice, he was in no condition to talk to her. his heart was throbbing in pain.

"mine to love" what a bullshit. with that, he emptied out another can of beer. how the hell something insane like that escaped his lips?

how? how the hell was he going to love her? she doesn't deserve someone like him. actually, she doesn't deserve any of this. she deserved better. someone who treats her better. someone who makes her happy. someone who knows how to fight for her love. someone with a damn normal past. what was he supposed to do? jungkook kept falling deeper into the dark hole after realizing the fact that he didn't match any of that.

the only thing he could do right then was to drown himself in alcohol. to forget about her. the tables have turned in an unexpected way. right now it was not him who was ruining her. he was slowly getting ruined by her love. by her innocence. simply to be said, her presence alone was consuming him.


y/n began to feel restless as her attempt to hear his side of the story was failing. her face dropped its colour as the call got directed to the voicemail.

was she too expectant of him? of course, what else can she expect from a person like him. his cold nature was the only explanation. but yet again her heart got filled with disappointment. a small part of her hoped that he would pick up her call. she thought maybe he has opened his heart for her even a little bit. she wholeheartedly wished for that. but guess not.

"maybe he is just busy y/n." she tried consoling her heart. to reassure it that everything was alright.

y/n was contemplating whether to call him again or not. "one last time won't hurt right?" and again, just like that, she pressed the dial button. waiting for the call to get through.

y/n frowned her brows looking at her mobile screen. it didn't go through. his phone was turned off. "the hell? if he didn't want to talk, he could have just said so. this is so rude."

"no, y/n his phone might have died on him. yeah, probably that's the reason."

"but I want to talk to him..." y/n's shoulders dropped after realising that this call was never going to happen.

"maybe a text would do." y/n sighed before grabbing her mobile back in her hands.


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