ep 07; his cousin

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y/n frowned her brows as she stepped out of her house after catching a glimpse of the familiar figure who was leaning his back over the main gate of her house. "jungkook?"

hearing the keys jingling sound jungkook looked over his shoulder and gifted her a small smile. a genuine smile that came across his face after seeing her with that fresh look on her face after the morning bath she had.

he was not able to get the worrying thoughts out of his head no matter how hard he tried. her absence throughout that week had left an immense impact on his heart. he didn't want to let her out of his sight. besides, he wanted some answers as well. answers for all the uneasiness he gets just by thinking about her unusual vacations. in an attempt to satisfy all his needs he took his time to pick her up from her house.

"what are you doing here?" y/n asked stepping closer to him. she has never in her life expected to see him in front of her house like this. it was a pleasant surprise.

"good morning to you too." jungkook replied pushing himself off the gate.

"morning... but seriously what are you doing here? I mean how do you know where I live?" y/n asked closing the gate behind her. she was not complaining or anything. she was really happy to see him as the first thing in the morning. but it was weird of him to do this considering his personality. 

"I may have asked some things from Isabell." jungkook said shrugging his shoulders like he did some pretty amazing thing.

hearing him y/n looked at him with a frown as if to question the validity of his statement. but soon it got replaced with a wide smile. "speaking of Isabell, she said she is going on a vacation and won't be able to come for some days." 

hearing her jungkook paid his full attention to y/n. was she that scared of him? to be honest he didn't mean to threaten her like that. but he was scared. he was scared of y/n getting to know about all of this. about his plans. and then hating him the way Isabell said she would. it was crazy. he knew that eventually, one-day y/n would hate him. but now he didn't want that. he couldn't bear if that was to happen.

"I am really happy. from now on I don't need to hear her whining about how I am the only one who gets to enjoy vacations." y/n continued talking while taking her steps towards the university with jungkook beside her.

and right there, it all came back to the vacations. y/n's mysterious vacations. jungkook abruptly halted on his steps making y/n frown. "what happened kook?" 

"shall we bunk the classes today?" he asked out of nowhere.

"huh?" y/n was shocked. was he serious? how many times does he plan on making her startle like that? first the sudden appearance and now this?

"let's go on a date." jungkook said. he was looking at her with an intense gaze. it was intense indeed, but that intensity held a hidden softness behind them. that was screaming the love he had for her. maybe the real purpose of this date was to have answers to his questions. but in reality, it was something his heart was yearning for. to be alone with her. to have her wrapped around his arms closer to him.

y/n was surprised. it was all along her. who made the first move. trying her best to sneak up into his heart. maybe she was successful. maybe he has finally opened up to her. maybe she would get that love back from him. her feelings finally would get reciprocated by him. all these thoughts made her heart scream in happiness. "I would love to."


"there was a place like this in our city?" y/n asked after climbing the small hill that was hidden behind a small neighbourhood area. the surroundings were mesmerizing to the eye. the sun rays were not too strong because of the trees that covered and provided shelter for them. sitting on the rock y/n captured every flying birds and their village that was on display in a different angle from the up above.

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