ep 08; letting go

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"I didn't know that you are this stupid jungkook." haesoo, jungkook's best friend scolded him.

"I wasn't thinking straight okay? I just did what I felt right at that time." jungkook said while dragging his finger along the coffee cup that was placed on the table where they were seated in.

"I knew something was up when you suddenly went out of reach. but for god's sake how did you get yourself involved in this kind of a mess?" 

haesoo was the only friend jungkook had kept in touch with after all the misery he and his family had to go through. he was there for him to lend his shoulder to cry on. but all of a sudden jungkook disappeared on him. cutting him off from his life. making revenge his sole life purpose. but when that was reaching far out of his reach jungkook realized what he was doing. and the only one whom he could talk to was haesoo.

after the encounter with jaeson jungkook realized that things were going to get out of his hand if he didn't do something. jaeson was always the favourite child of his dad. for him his own children didn't matter. it always was that cocky and arrogant jaeson. maybe because both of their personalities were the same. after the death of jaeson's father, who was the youngest of the jeon family, jungkook's father took jaeson in as his own, spoiling him, giving his all attention to him, and ignoring his own children in the process. which eventually lead jungkook to hate both of them.

and now that jaeson's sudden appearance in the picture didn't settle well with jungkook. he knew something was up with his father. which surely had something to do with y/n. and he didn't like that at all. he didn't like how y/n was exposed to his cousin like that. he was worried about y/n's safety. because jaeson was a real jerk. he was someone who would do anything to ruin jungkook's life more if that is possible. all for being in his father's good book.

"were you really going to stoop to your father's level? I can't believe you jungkook." haesoo still had a hard time believing his once-innocent friend was going to do something disgusting in the name of revenge.

"what else was I supposed to do haesoo? was I supposed to wait and see how he is enjoying his life like nothing happened after all the things he had done to us?" jungkook asked raising his voice a little.

"so would that bring justice to you? then what happens to y/n? who would bring justice to her? was it her fault that you are suffering like this? then yes, you are free to do whatever you want with her. kill her for all I care. or wait, should I do that for you?" haesoo said being annoyed by jungkook's behaviour.

"you are not helping haesoo." jungkook said letting out a sigh.

"seriously jungkook? how come you came up with this stupid plan of yours? I know your father isn't the best influence to have. but damn, don't you have a brain of your own? look now where you have come." 

"at that time all I could think about was my pain haesoo, it didn't matter whether what I was doing was right or wrong. all I wanted to do was take revenge on him. to give him a taste of his own medicine. to make him feel the same pain I was feeling. I didn't expect to fall in love." 

"be glad that you have fallen in love with her. otherwise, I don't know what would have happened. that plan was really really stupid. you can't punish an innocent girl like that for someone else's fault." haesoo said looking down at his coffee after calming down a bit. all his rage at his friend has been toned down letting him think more rationally. to actually help his friend out to come out of this mess he was in.

"what am I gonna do now haesoo? I can't hurt her. but with how things are going it seems like I am going to end up hurting her no matter what." jungkook said with tear-filled eyes.

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