ep 13; unknown truth

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it was the longest weekend y/n was supposed to have after being grounded to her home. her plans of hanging out with jungkook have vanished in a flash of a second the moment taehyung decided to live with her in her house. he was very clear about his warning. it was not a request. it was an order from her older brother that she needed to follow no matter what. whenever he uses her name to address her y/n knew that it was a game over. there was no room for any arguments. and that annoyed her to the core.

like sure. he doesn't like the boy. but why? he should at least explain that. they clearly had some bad blood between them. and honestly, she didn't even want to know the reason. she was afraid. no, she was terrified to face the unknown truth. and that made things worse. 

she clearly didn't want to stay away from jungkook. if she wanted to do that, why the hell she had gone through all that shit just to get together with him. and at the same time she didn't want to upset her brother as well. she was stuck. she couldn't choose between jungkook or her brother. she needed both of them by her side. all she could do was hopelessly wish that everything would work out in the end.

all her thoughts came to an end the moment the ringing sound of the doorbell reached her ears. and she was just not in the mood to get up from the cozy position she had wrapped herself with blankets on the couch. so she had to count on her dear brother to take the door. luckily for her, taehyung came rushing out of the kitchen muttering some curse words under his breath seemingly to having left his breakfast untouched. unluckily for the dude who was at the door. for taehyung breakfast was something he worshipped. so having to leave it. y/n felt bad for the one at the door.

y/n lazily turned her head around in the direction of the door wanting to get a better look at the visitor who dared to interrupt her brother's breakfast. but her amusement and anticipation didn't last long when she recognized the unexpected visitor. her eyes went wide as she abruptly sat down on the couch causing the pillows and blankets she clutched onto her dear life to fall onto the ground. there stood jungkook face to face with taehyung. and the glares they sent each other's way didn't help a least bit in reducing the uneasiness she felt. what was jungkook doing here? he hadn't said anything to her. seriously when was he going to stop with these surprise visits? it was not like she didn't like them or minded them. but with having taehyung here it was a whole different matter.

taehyung had been feeling agitated since he met jungkook at the university. boyfriend? he got to be kidding him. like he would let that happen. his family had caused nothing but trouble for them. and now what? he even dared to get closer to his little girl. in what rights? sure maybe jungkook had been left in the dark. but it was for his own best interest. past should be left in the past. and in the dark. they were playing a very dangerous game. taehyung knew that jungkook had a reason for getting closer to y/n. and he would not let that see the light of the day. jungkook and y/n. they were just not meant to be. 

glancing at y/n he could see how his behaviour was affecting her as well. the whole morning she was lying on the couch spaced out. he knew he had to explain some things to her. but he didn't know how to explain his feelings without having to hurt her. he just wants to protect her. he just want to live her life. and with jungkook in her life, he knew it wasn't going to happen. he was so mad. was it not enough ruining their lives seven years ago? they should be grateful to them for keeping their mouths shut. but right now, he wasn't going to keep living like that. if jungkook dared to lay single a finger on her, he would not let that go. it was enough. they had enough torture for the past seven years and he would not tolerate any more shit from jungkook or his damn family.

the breakfast was long forgotten as taehyung kept staring at y/n with the silent promise of protecting her from that family. but he was so rudely dragged back to the reality by the ringing of the doorbell. and now he stood face to face with the devil himself.

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