chapter one - The Crash

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I was looking out the window, bored as hell with how it was a 2 hour ride to a new place called ODDWORLD.

You were sitting away from all the jocks and mean girls on the bus, you were so annoyed with them that you wanted to punch each and one of them in the face.

We were nearly there until I saw we had to take a sharp turn to the right to get to ODDWORLD. That's odd, ODDWORLD was straight ahead but you thought nothing of it. Until the crash happened.

You were half conscious when you saw everything happened. Around 3 people were dead with either their bones sticking out or their neck broken or from bleeding out. Then you see somebody walking close, so you lay back down hoping they don't see your awake. The mysterious figure starts dragging people from your class away into a nearby building.

You decide to stay down instead of trying to see what happens but then you were picked up. Unlike the others, you were picked up instead of dragged. This made you curios. You still stayed down, making sure not to make it obvious as you can feel the mysterious figure glaring at you.

You were placed on a soft bed and before you could think, you drift into a deep, deep sleep...

End of Chapter

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