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        To find that someone has been watching and stalking you would have terrified any normal person, but not Bella

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    To find that someone has been watching and stalking you would have terrified any normal person, but not Bella.

    After Edward had rushed back from Bella's home with the human in tow, Aurora could tell that something was wrong. Jasper and Emmett had left right after to follow after the stranger's trail.

    Edward paced, clearly frustrated while Alice sat stressed, attempting to pull a helpful vision from the deep depths of her brilliant mind.

     Carlisle, Rosalie, and Esme sat, with Aurora standing by the door, their words flying at a quick speed.

    "Who was it? Someone we know?" Alice stressed, her eyes misted over for a split second.

    Edward gritted his teeth, "Just a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent."

    "A nomad passing through?" Esme asked, attempting to keep up with the two's inner conversation.

    "A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive," Rosalie informed, leaning back with an unhelpful tone.

    "Nor the neighbors," Aurora added, her brows creased with concern.

    Bella gave a slight shudder causing Esme to wrap a comforting arm around her. Just then the door burst open as Jasper and Emmett stormed in.

    "His scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house." He informed as he went to Alice's side.

    "Someone's orchestrating this." Edward accused with an angered look in his eyes, his face screwed up.

    "Victoria?" Carlisle asked.

    "I would've seen her deciding." Alice denied it with a shake of her head.

    "It has to be the Volturi." Edward butted in.

    "I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions, too." Alice denied it once again.

    "Could it be one of the other king's decisions?" Aurora asked as she walked to the side of the couch, "Aro must know you have been watching, he has read Edward's mind."

    "No, I've seen their decisions too." Alice shook her head as she leaned back.

    "So we keep looking," Emmett told as his bulky arms crossed.

    "We also take shifts, guarding Bella at her house," Carlisle informed, causing them all to turn towards him.

    "Another protection detail?" Rosalie scoffed with contempt. She shot a piercing glare at Bella.

    "Rosalie." Esme scolded as the blonde's face twisted with annoyance.

    "No, she's right," Bella cut in, earning confused looks from the coven of vampires, "You can't protect me, watch my dad...and search for the intruder. And for Victoria. And keep yourselves fed."

    "I'm not leaving you here defenseless." Edward denied her argument earning an agreeing nod from Aurora. "Nor will I."

    "Well, I'm not gonna let you starve. And I wouldn't be unprotected, I have..." Bella trailed off with a minuscule glimmer of optimism flashing on her face as she turned to him.

    "What?" Edward asked confused.

    Aurora's head suddenly snapped towards Bella as she realized what Bella had been suggesting, "But will they agree?"

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

The next night she sat on a tree branch as she watched over Bella's house. Below her was a wolf with a silver coat, she could feel whenever his eyes would dart up to her.

She jumped down from the tree, brushing off her pants as she silently landed beside the wolf.

The wolf huffed as he glanced at her before turning back to the house, "This wasn't my choice either. I was asked to keep you in check like one would do for a child."

A rumble emerged from his chest as he sent her an exasperated look, "Yes, Paul, I am still upset with you helped ruin our earliest chance at ending this foolish situation."

He just rolled his eyes, before moving closer beside her as they stared at the house.

Looking towards the window, Bella was standing there, looking down at the two. She could only see the slight glow of Aurora's amber-like eyes and Paul's gleaming eyes peering out of the tree line.

She gave a shiver as the two moved farther back so as to not be seen. A leaf crunched causing Aurora to snap her head around.

She sent the wolf an unamused look as his back paw lifted from the leaf, his face held a wolfish smirk.

They stayed there the rest of the night, only leaving the next morning when Edward drove up to Bella's house.

She sent him a nod before racing off into the forest, the silver wolf on her heels. He gave a playful growl as he overtook her, she just gave a small amused laugh.

820 words

I would just like to take a moment to thank you all for your patience!
I know it's been a long time, but the chapters should come back out regularly! Starting next week, chapters should come out any time on Wednesdays and Fridays, although they might not always.
    For anyone interested, if there is a change in schedule or any new announcements, I will be sure to inform you on my conversation board, so do keep an eye out for that! <3

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