Chapter 19- Southern Belle

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Author's note: Long overdue yes I know jeez lol. Okay so I decided to change the catergory of romance to thriller because as much as I wish this thing was romantic lets face it it's not lol. 

Well anyway here it is thanks a bunch guys love you. 



"Arghhh!" comes the throaty sound, a horrible gurgling, gagging sound following right after. I couldn't even look to find out what it could possibly be. "Good job" Lloyd whispers and bile rises up once more. I dare a glance at the direction Eric is in only to cringe with rage, sadness and fear. His body was stagnant, lips red and swollen, seed and vomit escaping from the side of his lips as he stared off with a glazed over look in his eyes. It was such a disturbing sight, it made my guts churn.

I looked over at Lloyd to see that his hair was a little mussed but other than that there was no evidence of his depraved behavior. The thought sickens me. 

"Well then" Lloyd's voice broke through the silence, his hand coming down to adjust himself, "Let me go get that mother of yours. I know she must be anxious to see you. Be a good boy Eric, I'll be back real soon." He ruffled Eric's dark hair, dark locks that I had at one point tugged and pulled to bring his lips closer to mine, in what could only be construed as an affectiante way before stepping out and locking the door behind him. 

I try to make a noise to catch his attention but he seems frozen, broken, as if his very soul was decaying on the inside. But I keep at it as the smell of my own putrid vomit starts to make me dizzy. I start making clanking noises against the metal I'm attached lto with my fingers and finally achieve some form of success as his head whips towards the sound. Then they finally focus on me. The look in his eyes causes my heart to clench in pain because behind all that deadness is a small shine of adoration directed towards me. 

A slight trembling begins, it seems his whole body is spasming until finally with one hard heave he vomits the remainder of the contents in his stomach. He wipes the excess on the back of his hand and starts crawling towards me, quickly undoing the bandaana with his tied hands. When I'm finally am free of the mouth restraint I throw up all over myself before taking a deep breath only to gag again at the smell of HIM in the air. 

"Eric" I whisiper, "I don't understand" And he shakes his head at me. 

"There's so much, too much Matty. I hope one day I get to explain it to you."

"Tell me Eric" I plead, "Tell me this isn't real" his eyes turn sad as he looks at me, the look of a damaged human being. 

"I'm sorry Matty, I am so sorry." He says quietly and more tears flood my eyes.

"How? Why you?" I ask through quivering lips and when he responds what he says startles me.

"It started the day he raped my grandmother."



"So it's just the mom apperantly" comes Burns clipped tone as he hangs up his phone. "I just got into contact with her and she hasn't seen Eric at all. The last time she saw him he told her he was heading to a friends house, she's on her way now."

I glance over at Simon, his face fuller now that he was recovering yet his hair still patchy on one side. Suspicion settles in my gut. What was he hiding? He obviously hated Eric but it was something else a secret he didn't want anyone to know and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was. 

"Are you friends with Eric?" I ask with an edge to my voice I didn't intend.

"No" Simon states harshly, "We are not friends." 

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