Chapter 5- Extacy

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Authors note: The song that fits perfectly is 'Tourniquet' by Evanescence. It definitly has a tortured feel this chapter. Let me know if you like/vote/comment and by the way THANKS SO MUUCH FOR READING. I really thought no one would be intrested in reading since it's kinda twisted. And I would like to dedicate this to a friend VICKY!!!!! For following the link on my Facebook and likeing my story. 

You didn't have to girl but you did and I just wanna say thanx

Chapter 5

I sit on the hospital bed, Lucas's hand in mine and I wish I could just throw it away from me. Heartsick and weary Simon's words replaying in my head. 

"All your vital signs are normal." says the Doctor with pity in her eyes. she turns to my parents. "Are you sure I can't convince you to let her take the rape kit? It won't take long." My mother hesitates, a knowing look dawning in her eyes.

"No" says my Father, "We just want to take her home." The Doctor nods her eyes sad and walks out of the door talking with my father.

"Lets get you home sweetie" my mother says and takes me by the hand wretching me away from my brother. My skin crawling from where he touched it. 

"The bruising and swelling should go down in a couple of days. You have a prescription for some antibotics that will help against any treatable STDs and also the morning after pill. You'll need to take an STD and pregnancy test just to be sure in two weeks. Your family doctor can do that." she pauses, "Are you sure you have to leave so suddenly? I really think she should stay a little longer, maybe for the night, for observation." Her pretty face creaseing with worry. 

"No that's quite alright. What my daughter needs is her bed, her home and family so she can put this whole ugly thing behind her" My father states, steering us away down the hall.

"Not without a few questions from me, I'm sure" A new voice says. Detective Burns standing there with a hard look on his face.

"Ah hello Dectective" My father's tone neutral. "We were actually just leaving." The Detectives face grows harder. 

" Yes I can see that. I did tell you I was on the way didn't I?" Burns says walking towards us. 

"Yes I recall you saying that but I think we should postpone this till tomorrow. What my daughter needs is rest." And my father herds us to the exit. 

"Oh this won't take to long I can assure you. I just wanted to ask your son a few questions." Burns says, smiling broadly.

"My son?!" 

"yes yes since he was the last one with her." My heart starts pounding rapidly, excitement coursing through my viens. I look over at Lucas as he stands there rigid and pale.

"I don't think I will be much help sir." My brothers voice sounding paperthin.

"Nonsense every little bit helps" Burns eyes brimming with disgust as he looks at him.

"ENOUGH!" my mothers voice cracking through the tension. "This is going to have to wait. My daughter has been through far too much. I would like to get her home and as my husband has just said tomorrow is ideal." She pushes me forward.

"Did you reconsider the rape kit?" Burns asks, yielding. 

"I don't want to insult you Dectective because I know you're just doing your job but listen very carefully" he nods at her. " I do not want someone else probbing and prodding after what she's been through. My son himself has brought that to my attention. Now if you'll excuse us I'd like to take my little girl home." Burns back off and you can feel my mothers anger heavy in the air. Burn's eyes cut to my brother in distaste. 

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