Chapter 7- Wrong Reaction

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Authors note: 

Nothing really to say. 

So enjoy.

I really hope you vote. 

If you don't then ok.

I write for the passion and for my loyal fans. 

Thank you.


Chapter 7


 Simon's voice reaching my sleep filled mind. A soft fustrated moan escapes my lips but soon it turns to giggles of pleasure as Simon nuzzles my neck rolling on top of me. I cling to his shoulders as I laugh at the sensation and then a real moan fighting its way to the top as he accidently breathes against my ear. He stiffens slightly but leans up to look down at me adorningly. I smile, my arms stretched up around his neck. He draws me closer, his laughing eyes smothering me, now, with their seriousness. I can feel the wind of his breath against my face, his lips parting slightly and feel my own mouth go slack. as I'm crossing the space between us he closes his eyes yet as my lips inch closer to his a pain curls itself around my stomach. 

I fall back, surprising him into opeing his eyes. I can feel the self loathing taking over. I don't deserve him.

"Lets go to the doctor" I tell him and he nods as if nothing happened and in some twisted way I'm grateful. We make our way to his sleek black BMW and head towards the hospital, trusting only one woman. The doctor with the sympathetic eyes. I know only she can help me. Simon grabs my hand and twines his fingers with mine. At that moment I didn't realize how unsafe I felt without him.


The room smells sterile. I think that's what I really hate about hospitals. The sterile smell covering up the sick smell. I sit there waiting for the results of my blood test, holding Simons outstretched hand. I feel like I'm on the verge of tears nauseousness making me dizzy as my body withdraws from the drug. craveing the escape of my little pink pill. Just as I'm contemplating either bursting into tears or just getting the hell out of there Dr. Anderson walks in. 

She grabs the backless chair and rolls it over to me, her face unreadable. She looks down at the lab work, rechecking the information, and I see a sad look cross her face before it becomes blank once more. I fidget slightly, instantly on high alert. 

"I'm glad you came back. you should have taken that rape kit though. they need to  teach this knowledge to all young woman but I want to be the first to inform you that you could have consented to it. Your old enough and no one could have stopped us." I nod that I understand, she looks down at the lab work before looking me in the eyes again. "you've lost alot of wieght since I last saw you. It really worries me especially for the short period of time that you lost it in. I advise you put that back on." I nod again waiting probably cutting off all circulation in Simon's hand. She sighs " You don't have any STD's Matilda which is really good news. But I do want you to come back in a couple of months to retake the HIV test." 

I let out a heavy breath looking over at Simon and smiling even with the fact that I had to come back for another long wait in this stuffy room. 

"However" she starts and my head whips back to her. "I really don't know how to tell you this Matilda and I'm so sorry. Really I am. But your pregnancy test came out of positive"

My short lived happiness disappears. My whole world stopping at her words. I look over at Simon to see if I actually heard right, only to witness his own horror at her words play across his face. I return my gaze to Dr. Anderson.

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