Chapter 2- Realization

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Lucas stops, his hand inches from my body, his eyes blazing with anger and fear. A car pulls along side his but I can't see whos, my eyes swim with unshed tears. 

"Simon" my brother grunts with fustration. I feel my heart rate speed up, hoping against hope that maybe I could escape the inevitable because my one true friend has arrived. Lucas rolls down the window

"Matty" he exclaims from the open window, "Lucas what are you guys doing? your gonna be late if you don't hurry up. Why are you on the side of the road anyway?"

"Nothing" Lucas says, smiling innocently. "Matty wasn't feeling well and I decided to pull to the side but she's ok now and your right we should get going" He rolls up his window and peels off not bothering to wait for a response, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.

"Matty?" Lucas says to me, the statement coming out as a question, desire coating his voice.

"yes?" I ask my voice breaking.

"you still love me don't you?" his breathing harsh. As I hesitate he tenderly grabs my hand.

"yes" my voice low

"then come here" and he snakes his arm around my waist, I stiffen.

"Lucas-" I start but he cuts me off

"Shut up Matty. I dont wanna hurt you ok? but I will if you dont do as I say. Will you or are you going to break up our family? Mother and Father would hate you if you told! Find out if you think I'm lying"

A sob escapes my lips

"please come here" he whispers softly, his arm sliding my closer and I shiver. I'm pratically on his lap, his one hand still on the steering wheel, as he nuzzles my neck, his lips at my ear. "now I want you to use your mouth" 

And tears as salty as before drizzle down to my lips and I choke on a scream , deeply wishing he had never been born.

"please Lucas no" i sob, cringeing away from him "no no no"

"Matty I can force you or I can get some coraporation but if I have to force you it will be so much worse." and he holds me tightly painfully. 

"Lucas please" I cry and I wish again for his unbirth. I can see his desire building and I know he is beyond reason, beyond even reality. He grabs my face with his large hand and squeezes never taking his eyes off the road. I push against him with slender arms but it feels like it's no use he will, again, get what he wants. He guides my face lower, my gaze looking at everything but my destination and my tears wet the cloth of his jeans. 

"Oh my God" I whisper and almost find it funny that I think of his beauty as Godly

"And don't you dare think of biting" he whispers and I pray for a miracle , any miracle, because even if my dear brother looks like a God he is not one and the real God will stop this malicious intent. Right?

"wait" lucas breathes and curses under his breath "stop we're here" and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding

"next time I won't ask" and he parks in the senior parking lot of the school and climbs out of his perfect red car that matches his perfect Godlike features, slaming the door in the process. I sit there relieved and stunned, grateful that he had no desire to wait for me. 

I wipe and wipe on the hem of my floral shirt snot and salty tears making sure to look perfect but I notice the puffyness getting worse and I hope it onely looks bad to me. My sandeled feet hit ashpalt as I climb out and lock the doors of the car. I turn towards the car door, my face reflected in the window, when a tall warm body hold me from behind. I yelp in fear and surprise, throwing out my elbow hard. 

"UGH!! What the hell Matty" not my brothers voice, Simons. 

"oh I'm sorry your scared me. Are you ok?'' and I step closer feeling safe and calm for the first time since the incident

"yea I'm good" he says grinning through the pain. "but damn I didn't know your anorexic self had it in you? and he out right laughs. 

"Whatever your just lucky I didn't kick you too" grinning back at him, glad to be in his prescense. he straightens up and then looks intently at my face.

"hey what happened to your cheek?" and I look away horrified. What do I say? Whats believeable? 

"I don't know. I think I had an allergic reaction or something. you should have seen it last night it was much worse." he seems to believe me and drapes a casual arm around my shoulders saying,

"wow thats crazy but to be honest it's not noticable so don't worry to be much about it. I wonder what food could have caused it" and I just shrug my shoulders, "well anyway lets get to class" and I snuggle closer into his one armed embrace.


"God I can't believe spring break is over" Simon says, flexing his musceled arm against my shoulder. "I mean I'm excited that we're moving closer to our Junior year but man I hate school" though he smiles crookedly when he says it so I dont believe him. His full lips mashed together charmingly, nothing like the full half moons of my brother. I admire the beauty mark above his upper lip, his smile straightening out to two crater sized dimples forming at each cheek and at that momment it reminds me of our childhood and all that it intaled. 

I press closer to his side smelling the misted Sean John cologne on his shirt and it makes me feel incredibly speacil that he's worn it everyday since I've given it to him

"hey Matty are ok? you've been acting kind of different this morning and I don't know if thats a good thing." 

I feel the panic rising instantly. Will people really see a difference if Simone has? Will they see that I've been defiled, touched, and stolen. I step away from his side and look up in to his eyes. 

Oh those eyes. Like the blue before dusk, a light blue surrounding the iris, but it was so much more than that. It was the kind of dark blue that reaches into your soul, plucking something of value that you would probably never have back and your almost glad that it was taken. that light and darkness in battle. I could see the worry emerging there as the silence stretched on, a dark lock falling into them, his hand smoothly pushing it back. 

"I'm fine Simon."  I finally say, "I'm just tired, I didn't get alot of sleep" and I flash the most sincere smile I can muster but it feels brittle on my face. I turn away and start walking hearing his footsteps follow, his voice on the wind

"hey wait up" but I dont' turn, only quickening my pace in the outdoor hallway. I can feel myself on the brink and silently beg that he no longer asks me anymore questions.

"im gonna be late" I call over my shoulder, willing my tears away for what will never be mine anymore. For Simon.


Authors note:     Hello everyone I hope you enjoy the new chapter. For those of you who are like way way way ahead already well I think it would be a fab idea for you guys to re-read. Why? because I can take my time to write better. as for how often I will post well probably twice a week. unfortunately I have no internet access and its basically whenever I get wifi. ANYWHO Thank for reading please please pretty please vote and/or comment I would love the input and who am I kidding I wanna know if you like. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!! WITH A CAPITOL A!!!!!

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