Chapter 15- The Call

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My physical therapy was going good. More than good acutally. I'm finally able to support my own weight and I can feel the musceles in my body becoming stronger and stronger each passing day. Even my skin, I've noticed, has lost that sick person tinge it always seemd to have since I woke up. 

I look over at Matty, as she sits in bed with me peacefully watching TV, and finding her more and more beautiful everytime I saw her. Although silently I admit to myself that my memory was still too fuzzy for my liking some disturbing events have been coming back to me in too much vivid detail to be real, alot of it having to do with Matty, and part of me wanted to confront her as to why she hasn't told me. Or maybe just confront her to see if the sick, twisted stuff I'm recalling is even true. Another part of me can't help but acknowledge the fact that she seems more than happy that I've forgotten what she's gone through. I also don't confirm anything when she does ask because the sad tortured look in her eyes makes my own heart break and if truth be told I can't see myself making her unhappy.

"So how was your girl's night?" I ask teasingly as a commerical break comes on but my playful smirk drops as I feel her whole body stiffen next to me. "What is it? What's wrong?" 

"Nothing" She says shaking her head as she looks over at me and trys to smile and failing. She turns back to the TV her hair falling into her face.

"Come on what's wrong?" I ask again as worry churns for her in the pit of my stomach. I turn off the TV with the remote attached to the bed as I force her to look away and at me. Her grey eyes turn to me and I can see many mixed up emotions in them but the one that stands out painfully is guilt. My heart clenchs. "Your worrying me" I state. Her eyes grow sad and she looks down at her lap, her fingers lacing and unlacing nervously before looking back up at me. I see a strange resolve in her gaze as she looks at me like she wants to tell me something. She parts her lips, the beginning of a word almost voiced, only to be cut off by the loud ringing of her phone. She jumps up from the interupption and moves to grab it from her back pocket.

She stares at the caller ID hard, a silent debate going on accross her face before she presses a button and puts the phone to her ear.

"Hey" She answers softly and for some reason I found myself feeling jealous of the person that could conjour that tone of voice from her. "Yea I am.... yea sure now is fine... Ok then bye" 

"Who was it?" I ask immediately after she hangs up. 

"Mandy" She answers automatically but it bothers me that she won't look me in the eyes. " I gotta go meet her." She hurriedly stands up and turns to softly peck me on the lips. 

"Can't you meet her later?" I ask, not wanting her to leave. 

"I'll come back" She says swiftly and walks away with a small smile and a final wave. And as I watch her I feel some horrible foreboding weighing down on my chest.



I watch her cross the street from the window seat inside the homey diner, my body getting all tingly in anticipation. I finger the frys on my plate, picking three up and stuffing them in my mouth, eyeing her the entire time. She looked so good. Her blonde hair loose around her tiny face in their naturally curly state. Her lower body stuffed in low riding jeans that hugged her curves so sexily and a loose off the shoulder sweater showing just a hint of the skin on her hips. From here I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra and it made my arms itch to have her in them. 

She walks into the diner looking around, looking for me, and I stand to call her over but I hesitate. Something in her face causing a bit of dread to roll through me. She looked unhappy. Nervous? She finally catches my eye and plasters a smile across her lips that doesn't reach her eyes. 

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