Chapter 12- Her Desires

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Author's note: Ok so I don't want to give you a million excuses but *breathes deep* here goes I'm super duper sorry for waiting so long but my brother was here on leave from Norfolk and I spent like every waking moment with him cuz I'm lucky if I see him twice a year. 

Second his internet access sucked. My laptop kept crashing but hopefully from here on out my once a week update will be up to par. Only until I can finally get internet at my home. 

Love you guys sorry for my piss poor job.

Eric over there----------> Yes omg so freaking hot.... I am melting 

don't forget to vote please!!!!



My parents aren't my actual biological parents. My father is actually my uncle John and My mother, Sarah, is his cousin.


My biological father is my grandfather. My mother is Uncle John's sister. which if you really think about it both my biological mother and my uncle are actually my siblings.


My brother, My Lucas, was molested and raped. By Sarah. My fake mom. My Uncle John's cousin. Hurt my brother. 


Seven stitches in my bottom. Internal bleeding in my stomach. A horrible infection in my uterus.


I was hyperventillating. Trying desprately to catch even close to some semblance of real air as the man that I always considered my father told me all the horrible truths of my living lie. It seemed so unreal, so twisted somehow, that this was my life. That all the things happening around me were reality. I wanted him to take all back, to wave some nonexistant magic wand and make it all go away. I feel a warm hands grab mine and I look over at an intent pair of grey eyes

"I'm so sorry Matilda, I should have waited. You weren't ready to hear all this right now." He tells me giving my hand a gentle squeeze but I shake a my head trying to calm my erractic breatheing.

"Its ok Da- I mean Uncle John." I say, in a gasp. "I'm glad I know now." He looks at me with sad eyes and brings my hand to his lips. 

"Matty" He begins leaning in closely. "You can call me Dad, I mean only if you want to, I don't know maybe I'm crazy but I feel like I am." I nod my head, looking at his worried expression but then look away unsure.

"So what's going to happen to Simon?" I ask him, fiddleing with the edges of the white hospital blanket. 

"The doctors don't know yet. He could wake up today, tomorrow, months from now, years from now or...." He says trailing off. 

"Or never?" I supply and he nods his head. "Why?" He sighs and rakes a hand through his thin blond hair. 

"There was alot of bleeding in the skull cavity where the bullet hit. The blood was putting alot of the pressure on the brain. They tried the best the could but after draining, with it under wraps, he's still not waking up. According to what Burns told me. We're lucky he didn't die." He huffs the last sentence out and looks at my now tear streaked face. 

"Dad I can't loose him" I whisper, fear and heartache clutching my heart in a iron grip. He snakes his arms around me and holds me close letting me sob against his chest. 

"You won't sweetheart" he whispers back, "you just have to have a liitle faith." 

I want to find comfort in his words but doubt seeps into his voice only making me cry harder. 

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