Chapter 1- My brother

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*hello my loyal fans and any new ones I have aquired. I hope you vote like alot lol and that you like my story (for those of you who are already deep in it im just combining all the chapters into fewer ones) now i must remind evveryone that the punctuation is gona suck but everything else should be pretty awesome. ENJOY!!!!! over and out*

I gaze at my reflection like a zombie. My cheek puffying and I prayed with all my might that it didn't bruise. I wasn't allowed to wear make up, I'm too young, or so my father tells me but I guess not young enough to go unnoticed by my beloved brother. I could feel the tears choke at my throat but I swallow and get dressed and now I know no hot shower can make the pain between my thieghs go away. I march slowly down the stairs, hoping that he isn't up, yet there he is like a blonde war God with breathtaking grey eyes and a perfect mess of dirty blond hair failing along his forehead and swept deftly to the side. I must have shown some fear because he glares at me until I can not take his gaze and look away, his broad shoulders visibly relaxing as if he knew for certain I woudn't make a peep and truthfully I wish I had the courage to. I sit down at the island in the middle of a stainless steel kitchen and I groan with slight pain. His grey eyes flicker to me and I almost think he regrets his decsion but his eyes dart so quickly away I can't be sure.

"Matty" calls my mother, worry creased at her brow "are you alright? you look rather pale" and my brother tenses, his large and rather seductive arms bulging around his ceral bowl. I could tell her. I can let the truth out but I still love my brother despite his horrible actions from the night before so I cast my eyes away and answer

"No mom" I say and he lets out a slow relieved breath even as I fight back the tears. "nothing 's wrong" even truthfully everything is. I try to eat my food, I try to swallow down the chunks of fruity loops but my appetiate is gone right along with my virginity. So I swallow the bits remaining in my mouth and watch as Lucas scrafs his down and leads me out to the car.


I love this handsome brother of mine with the looks of a God. A greek God. I would admire him as a young girl. The soft plains of his face and the devasting fullness of his mouth. I would be so proud to be by his side. I, by far, was a stark contrast, with soft curls and obnoxious freckles sprinkled along my nose I constantly thought I looked like a child. though my hips did curve into a distinct hourglass shape and my mouth was just as full as his, I had barely a chest and no real curve to my bottom. But I was immensely proud of the bright grey we share. or I was. Now I relish in our differences and no longer admire him with innocence im my eyes because he has taken that. Yet despite his actions I still feel a deep love for him but as we walk out of the door I dread riding in this red car with this greek God of a brother to school because it seems to me that his hand itches to touch my jeaned thiegh and his grey eyes dart frantically to the slope of my waist and im troubled when those looks become more frequent.

"watch the road" I tell him softly, afraid. He grunts and pulls over to the curb.

"or I could stop so I don't have to watch it" he laughs and my inside knot

"Lucas please no" he grins

"oh Matty you are so beautiful' his calloused hand outstreched towards me.

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