Chapter 1

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'What are you doing this weekend?' 'Not much. Just going to church on Sunday.' The 2 young girls walked out of their school. It was 4 p.m. on a cloudy Friday. 'Too bad, I wanted to hang out with you this weekend.' Emily said to her friend. 'You can also hang out with Aeris. You know I don't hang out with people in weekends.' I mumbled. My parents won't let me hang out with friends on Sunday. 'But they did agree to give you that haircut?' 'Don't be like that.' I sighed, Emily laughed. She always made those comments. 'Why can't you hang out with me in the weekend? Too busy with your horses?' 'Yeah actually, I'm going ride-' I stopped listening. Emily always talked about her horses, even though she knew I didn't like horses. Of course she can tell sometimes about it, but she does it too much. 'I have to go now, or mom will get mad.' I said as I cut off her story about her perfect Saturday. 'Okay then. I'll see you on Monday. Bye!' I gave her a little smile and walked over to my bike.
'Emily and her stupid horses. I don't care, I never cared.' I said under my breath. A few drops fell from the sky, I have to hurry up before I get soaking wet. Mom hates it when she has to wash my dirty wet clothes. As I jumped on my bike, I looked on my left to see Emily waving to me before walking in the opposite direction. I waved back and cycled away. The bike was old, the lights didn't work anymore, the steer wasn't straight anymore and there were a lot of bruises on the bike. It fell many times, sometimes with me on it. I'll get a new one when I'm going to college, this old one can last a few more years. More drops fell drom the sky. 5 minutes of cycling left.
Did I pack all my stuff before leaving school? That thought was always crossing my mind. Do I have everything? Did I forgot something? Many times I forgot small things, but it's getting a bigger problem. What if I forget my credit card once? All my money will be gone. All the money my parents trusted me with. 3 and a half more minutes of cycling left.
Did I asked if Aeris was doing okay? She was sick at home, I thought I texted her before... I can't remember. Did it happen in a dream? Or did I just forget? I can't check now I'm on my bike. Dad will find out I checked my phone on my bike, or I'll get into an accident.
Less than a minute of cycling left. It didn't start to rain, luckily. The drops weren't coming from the sky anymore. I took a turn and cycled into the street I live in. There were mostly old rich people in this street. Surprisingly, we also live there. Our little family.
I stepped off my bike as I walked into our garage. As I locked my bike, my dad also walked in. He probably just got home from work.
'Hi.' He said normally. 'Hi father, how was work?' I always asked the same thing when he arrived, and he always gave me the same answer. 'Fine.' When mom asked, he'd always talk about what happened at work. He never did that to me, because I'm a child.
I followed him to the hall in our house. I dropped my bag in my small temporary room. My new room wasn't a room yet. We were renovating our house. Of course it takes much time, but I'm sure my and my brother's room will take the longest.
'Dinner is ready!' Yelled mom from the kitchen. I rushed trough the hall and the living room, to the dining room.
'Hi mother.' I said as I entered the dining room. My brother was already sitting at the table, on the place he always sat. We all had our own place on the table. I was always sitting in the left corner with my mother next to me and my father across the table. My little brother was sitting next to him.
'How was school Ham?' My mother asked my little brother. His name was Hamilton, but we always called him Ham because that's shorter. 'It was okay.' It clearly wasn't okay. He wasn't as hyper as normal, since he had ADHD. 'Did something happened again?' I asked him as I sat down on my chair. 'Stephen threw a ball against my head in PE.' He wasn't looking happy. 'We were playing dodge ball and I was already hit, but then he hit me against the back of my head!' 'It was probably an accident.' My mother said as she put the cooked potatoes on the dining room. 'Didn't anyone stand next to you? Maybe he was trying to hit someone else.' My dad said as he sat down next to him. 'Did he say sorry?' I asked before my little brother could answer our father. 'Yeah, but-' 'Then it probably was an accident.' I interrupted him. 'But he still threw the ball against my head!' He barked back. 'Just move on.' I sighed. Ham wanted to reply, but my mother stopped him by saying: 'That's enough! We're going to pray first.' I grabbed my mother and father's hand. My mother turned to me. 'How was school today?' She never asked me first. 'It was fine. Nothing special.' I said. I started mashing my potatoes. 'How was your day?' My mother swallowed a piece of meat and started telling about her day. Even though I payed attention to her story, I wasn't really listening. My brain was always thinking of something else. Of the past, the good and bad things, or about the future, who will I be? Or just some random stuff, me in a different reality. A reality away from this one, where I'm the main character. Not just in my own story, but also in other's. I will be famous, I will be known, people will love me. In this reality I'm just a small part of this place called 'Earth'. I'm not just a small part, I'm invisible. '-but I'm glad it stopped raining before I left work.' I heard my mother talk over my story in my head. 'I'm glad you didn't had to go through the rain. It was raining pretty hard.' I answered my mother.
'Oh well, sometimes you have to do things you don't like.' Sadly, I thought.
I took a bite of the broccoli my mom made, with her delicious sauce. 'Is the broccoli good, Milo?'

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