Chapter 9

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'Hi, can you please tell us where our friend Milo Railroad is?' I asked the young receptionist, eating her lunch. Her look told me she was surprised that so many people went to visit 1 girl. 'She's in room 669 on the third floor. Take the stairs and go twice left. The room will be on your right side.' The receptionist said after she swallowed the last piece of her lunch. 'Thank you!' I gave a sign to our other friends to get going, I needed to see Milo as soon as possible. 'I'm glad Milo finally got out of that coma! But how did you already know Aeris? She's been awake for a day now?' Charles said to me. 'I asked her mom to keep me updated, she has my phone number.' 'Is it okay for us all to come at the same moment?' Liam said with doubt in his voice. 'Yeah, I also asked that. According to her doctor it was fine.' I answered as we walked up the small stairs. 'Don't walk so fast!' Lucas was breathing heavily, Sydney agreed. I ignored them. All I thought about, was seeing my friend again. We all arrived on the third floor. The hallway was quiet, no one was in here. Not even a doctor. We checked the room numbers. '664... 665... 666... 667-' 'Stop it Lucas!' Noah whispered. 'Why are you whispering?' Whispered Lucas back. 'Shut up! We're here, room 669.' I said as I interrupted the boys. Me and Sydney walked in first, slowly. I heard the tv, Milo was probably watching the news. I peeked around the corner. Milo was laying weakly in the white hospital bed. The first thing I noticed was her right arm. Gosh I felt so bad for her. 'Hi Milo...' Sydney said softly. Milo turned immediately to us and started to make a small smile as she saw us entering the clean hospital room. 'Guys!' She reacted happy, but she also began hiding her right arm. I smiled back at my best friend, it feels like she died temporarily! 'How are you Milo!' Noah stepped in front. Milo explained her situation. 'Well, I have a soar throat and a headache but besides that, I'm fine!' It looks like she's hiding something. I felt tension in the room, no one dared to ask about her arm, neither did I. After a few seconds of silence, Milo sighed. 'You all probably know about my arm...' 'If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine!' James said comforting. 'No, it's okay. I just had to process it yesterday. Now I'm fine.' Milo said, still with a smile on her face. That was probably the reason why I couldn't see her yesterday, her mom texted me that she needed rest and some time. I didn't understand the last part, but now I do. Oliver broke the silence again 'We brought you some gifts!' He hold up his chocolate bar. The others instantly began talking and giving her presents. I felt a knot in my stomach, Milo was hiding something.

2 weeks had passed. I finally got to go home. I ate the sandwich that my mom gave me slowly in the car, on my way home. I know what I need to do, I have to complete the task I gave myself. We arrived at our house, I got out of the car slowly because everything was heavy and I was tired as hell. 'Maybe it's good if you go for a walk later.' My mom said. I agreed as an idea popped up in my head. I finished eating my sandwich fast when we got inside. 'I'll help you with your shoes and coat.' My mother said, walking away to get it. My father just walked passed her saying: 'She has to learn it how to do it herself.' My mother said something back, but I wasn't listening. Mom helped me in my shoes and explained me how to do it on my own the next tine, and she kept saying she would only help me a few times, after that I'd have to do it myself. 'Don't stay away too long Milo.' My dad said before I left the house. 'Got it.' I reacted while I walked outside. I wanted to walk my usual round, it would take about 40-50 minutes. I'd also pass the church we always went, and where I got into that accident that changed my life. I won't have to worry much about my future without 1 arm. 2 more streets, then I'd pass the church. For some reason I got nervous, my body was in stress. My heart was beating in my throat, my stomach was turning upside down and my legs were shaking like crazy. The closer I got to the church, the worse my body reacted. Maybe He was trying to stop me from passing the church again? Don't care, I'm going there. I live my own life, He doesn't decide for me where I have to go! I started walking faster, I was getting mad again. How could God ruin my life like that? What did I do to deserve this? I turned around a corner, I was 1 street away from the church. The place where it started, and where it will end. I turned the last corner. I was facing the church, on the other side of the road. I looked both ways before crossing the street, I didn't want to lose another arm. The urge to turn around and continue my walk increased as I walked towards the front doors of the church. My body was in pure panic, was it the energy from the church that affected me? Or was God Himself in there to talk to me? I walked through the front doors, it felt like I was entering enemy's territory. Almost no one was in the church, a church ceremony would start soon. There weren't any tourists, luckily. I walked closer to the big, golden statue of Jesus on his cross. It must've been made of pure gold, the pure gold the church 'stole' from the Christians in our little town to 'decorate' the church. I kneeled in front of it and closed my eyes, ready to talk to God, Jesus or an angel nearby. I cleared my head. 'Dear God, hear me out for the last time.'

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