Chapter 10

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'Yeah honey, I'll be home after the service... Yeah I'll also be in time for dinner don't worry... See you tonight!' I put down the phone. Why is my wife so damn stressed about dinner? 'Priest Hudson, will you be ready in 30 minutes for the service?' 'Oh yeah, I'll come in a minute brother Wilson.' I said. I sighed as I got up from my office chair, behind my desk. Many people won't believe me when I say being a priest and being old at the same time is hard. I should've been retired years ago, I'm almost 74! But I have to lead these Christians... Actually the only reason I'm still doing this is because no one wants to be the next priest. 'I'm getting too old for this.' I said as I grabbed the Bible and made my way to the door. Did I forget something? Oh, I always forget everything, that's part of my age. If I don't forget the stuff I need for or during my service, I'll be fine. No one dares to speak up to me anyways, I'll tell them God will be disappointed if they do. I smiled as I reminded myself of all the power I had! I walked through the doorway, I again questioned myself if I didn't forget anything. 'It's nothing.' I thought as I closed the door. Suddenly I heard something fall, I decided to ignore it. 'I have to get ready for the service.' I sighed.

'Brother Wilson, where are brother Nolsa and brother Swans?' I asked as I walked in the kitchen behind the main hall, where the service would start in like 25 minutes. 'I haven't seen or heard from them today Priest Hudson, I already prayed that they would be okay.' Pray whatever you want, it won't help, I thought. 'Good.' I turned on the coffee machine. One cup before the service will keep me awake for the service. I looked around a corner into the main hall, a girl was sitting there. Was she praying? Probably. Why can't I remember her? Gosh I think I know her. Maybe she hasn't been here in a few weeks. Oh that's right! She's the girl from the accident! 'Poor Milo lost her arm... I'm glad she's back at our church though.' Wilson suddenly said as he stood besides me. 'Yeah, I'm happy she found her way back to God's home.' I sighed and walked back to the coffe machine, that finished making my coffee. 'Sugar or milk?' Wilson asked. 'Both.' I said with a warm smile. Thinking of that, it was getting hot. Was the thermostat broken? Wilson handed me the milk and sugar. 'Is it just me or is it getting hot here?' Wilson said. 'God didn't predict any hot weather right?' He added. 'No... Maybe the thermostat is broken. Don't worry, we'll be fine.' As I said that, I saw smoke coming from the door to the hallway, that led to some rooms, like my office. I stared at it, terrified. 'Priest Hudson?' Wilson looked at me, concerned. He turned around, his face turned from concern to fear. 'F-fire... In God's house?' Wilson froze. 'Let's just get out of here, I don't want to die!' I led Wilson out the backdoor. 'But the girl Milo! We have to call 911 and get her out!' 'Not now Wilson! We'll do that later!' He stumbled outside, I followed him. 'How did this happen?! Did some teenagers set our holy church on fire?' Wilson said with panic in his voice. 'I... don't know.' I said calmly. I don't think teenagers lit this place up, they wouldn't have a reason to. But little did I know that I lit the church on fire, by bumping into the lit candle that fell on my oh-so-beautiful silk carpet.

I almost finished talking to Him. He almost knew the whole story why I'd never pray to Him ever again, visit Church to think of Him or why I'd never follow the Bible anymore. I heard some arguing in another room, I ignored it. It can't ruin my conversation with God. Well, it was more like a one sided conversation. I did the talking, God just listened and had to accept it. I think God is near me, I'm getting hot. Not just a bit warm, like really hot. I also ignored that, I can live with it now. Suddenly I smelled the strong scent of smoke. That took me out of my one sided conversation with Him. I looked up and saw that the huge curtains on the wall, 20 feet from me, were on fire. I panicked, more than I did when I walked into this church. The fire spread fast, it already blocked one of the emergency exits. The chandeliers were on fire too, other curtains got lit on too. One fell on a wooden statue of Jesus on his cross. He turned into ashes slowly, just like my faith to get out. I suddenly realized I had to get out. The second emergency exit got blocked. The only exit left was the main entrance. I already heard a siren of the fire fighters heading the church's way. I got up and ran to the main entrance. I was almost there! I might just escape without any serious injuries! Just as I expected, one of the chandeliers fell in front of me, blocking the entrance. 'Fuck!' I yelled. I coughed because of the smoke that had colonised this room. I looked around for a way out. I ran to a window, hoping that I could break it and get out. I heard people yelling outside. 'Is someone in there?' 'Omg how could this happen?!' I yelled back, hoping someone would hear me: 'I'm still in here! Help!' And of course, a burning curtain fell on me. It was heavy and hot. No, I will not pray so I'll survive, I told myself. The fire reached my clothing; it caught on fire. I yelled as I felt the hot fire on my weak skin. My last hour had struck. I kept coughing, trying to breathe oxygen, but with no success. Everything was getting darker and darker, the strength to yell for help also disappeared. I looked at the window I wanted to escape from, hoping someone would save me. But my vision went black, and before that, no one came to same me. God had betrayed me and gave me no right to decide how I wanted to live, now I'm not sure if God will let me live in his afterlife, or that I have to take the elevator down to his enemy, The Devil.

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