Chapter 3

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'I'm home!' I yelled. My mom greeted me in our hall. Her hair was wet, she probably just got out of the shower. 'Ham is taking a shower now, are you going after him?' My mother asked. She wanted us all to shower once per day, I never knew why. 'Okay, can you get me when he's done?' I asked her. She nodded and I went upstairs. I put my headphones on a cabinet in my room. I remembered when my mom wanted to hear the songs I listen to, to check if I wasn't listening to any 'evil' music.
How could music be evil? It's just something to entertain people. The Devil can't reach people through music. I started doubting about the last sentence. The Bible worried us all that the Devil could be anywhere. Like the Devil is lurking, waiting to burn us all in his private underground.
I wasn't that scared of those fairytales. Can I call the stories from the Bible fairytales? I should watch out, God and his angels are always watching me. Can they hear my thoughts? They can't watch all Christians at the same time... Right?
I sighed as I hopped on my double bed. I opened Instagram, to cure my boredom. I liked some random posts on my main account, but it wasn't very entertaining. I opened WhatsApp, to look is anyone texted me. I didn't had any messages in my inbox. I didn't want to start a conversation, I lack confidence. What should I talk about? What could I possibly tell them? Something about my boring life? The only places I'm going are school and church. Church isn't entertaining, it's boring.
I don't want to go there anymore, I want to do fun things in the weekend with friends, not with my family or only myself. Yes, I need some time for myself, but too much is never good.
'Milo! Your turn to shower!' I heard my little brother yell from downstairs. 'Okay!' I yelled back. I got up from my bed and got some comfy clothes to wear after my shower. As I walked downstairs, my mother came walking into the hall. 'Don't shower too long, 5 minutes is long enough.' I never showered longer than 5 minutes. I know it's too expensive to shower too long.

I came out of the shower and yawned. 'Bathroom is free.' I said to the people in the living room. I don't know who were sitting on the couch, I didn't care. I heard someone say okay, it was probably my mom. I put my wet towel in the dryer and turned it on. 1 hour and 41 minutes. Does it really take that long to dry a towel in a fast spinning machine? It always finished within an hour, but the dryer was old. My mom always complained about it. As I started the program on the dryer, I opened the washing machine. I put my dirty clothes in and the dirty clothes that were laying on the machine. "Put those dirty clothes in the washing machine when you're washing yours." My mom had asked. She was preparing me for later, so I'd know how the washing machine, dryer, oven etc. worked. I also had to help cooking twice a week, even though I was 14. I do am the youngest in my classes, but that's because I skipped second grade in elementary school. I'll be 17 when I get my diploma, other's will be 18. I always told my parents that I wanted to move asap out of our house. I wanted to live on my own, explore things on my own. I'm old enough to do things myself. But I can't walk outside when it's dark or when it's after 10p.m. "I'm 14, I can do it myself!" That's what I tell every time my parents aren't trying to letting me go for a little. They don't understand. And it seems like they never will. 'Did you put the dirty clothes in the washing machine?' 'Yes I did mother.' Why did she even ask? I said I'd do it.
I walked upstairs to get my phone. As I walked into my room, I looked at my clock. 7:43p.m. I could stay in my room till 9p.m. That's the usual time I go downstairs and sit on the couch with my parents. They usually watch those stupid entertaining shows. I don't like them so I stay upstairs and chat with my friends online or play a game.
I sat on my old, but comfy, office chair and opened my laptop. The face of my favorite character from a tv show popped up on the background. After I finished typing my password, that's a bit too long, I saw the same face of that character on the background of my laptop. Discord and Spotify opened itself. Discord was the place where I had my online friends, you could join servers and talk with people. And I always listened to my favorite songs on Spotify, even though I don't have premium.
I had a few playlists on Spotify that I always listened to. My main playlist with over 200 songs, the hard rock playlist my mom didn't like, the emotional playlist and the playlist I made together with Aeris. I usually listen to my hard rock playlist or my main.
I had 2 notifications in Discord. Someone mentioned me. I opened the server with the mention. It was one of my online friends, asking me to play a game with them. "Sure, what game" I answered. "What about Call Of Duty?" Another friend joined the conversation. "I only have Call Of Duty Mobile." I answered. "That's fine, we can still play together even though I'm on PC" my friend said. I grabbed my iPad and opened Call Of Duty Mobile, in short CODM. We joined each other in a game. I laughed as we played together and made some jokes. Why did these people comfort me? I never met them before. These people online feel like family. Do I love them more than my own? That thought distracted me from the game. I got killed and my friends laughed. I instantly laughed too. Was my mom okay with this? That I played a game about killing each other and laughing with people I've never met? Probably not. But she doesn't has to know. Correction: She won't know.

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