Chapter 7

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Friends. The definition of that depends on the person. Some say people really become your friends when they're there for you in the darkest times, or when they make time for you or when they just make you happy. What's my definition of friends? Well... That must be complicated. I truly trust them only after a year. But I already call them friends in the beginning. Just like I got these 'friends' 30 minutes ago. They are funny, talk to me, asking things about me and most of all, give me love. It felt so great! I never got that feeling with Emily. Aeris did gave me love in the beginning, we talked a lot. I enjoyed it. 'What's your zodiac sign?' Sydney asked. 'I'm a scorpio!' 'No way, me too!' Sydney said happily. 'November or October?' I asked. 'October, 24th to be exact.' 'I'm a November scorpio, the 1st day of the month!' I loved Sydney's energy, she's always so happy! Then 4 unknown people sat with us and greeted my new friends. Were they friends of my friends? 'Who's that?' One of them asked, pointing at me. 'That's our new friend, Milo!' James said to the unknown people. It were 4 guys. Now it was getting crowded at our bench, I got a bit nervous. I never liked crowded places. 'Hi Milo!' They all said as James introduced them. 'The tall one is Aiden, the boy next to him is George. And the one with the dark curly hair is Aiden and last, but not least the one with the glasses is Isaac!' I said nervously hi and waved. I didn't like this many people around me. They sat down and talked with my friends. No one payed attention to me anymore. Fuck, I can't just ruin their conversations for attention. I got pulled out of my daydream when Emily stood in front of me again. 'Out next lesson starts in a minute, let's go.' She said serious. She was never this serious before, did I do something wrong?

Me, Aeris and Emily walked into the PE hall. I hoped my new friends would have the same classes as me, but sadly they didn't. But I think Emily is glad they're not in our classes. Even though I really like them all, it got very crowded around me. I suddenly got a bad thought. No, I shouldn't think that. It isn't true anyways. I shook it off and sat with Aeris and Emily on the bench, waiting for our PE teacher. 'Why did you sit with them when we went to the convenience store?' Emily asked. Was she getting jealous of my new friends? Probably, then she'd only have Aeris if I'd stop hanging out with her because I got new friends. 'They sat with me. Don't just assume things please.' I said. It doesn't matter how many times I'll ask Emily to stop assuming things, she won't. She never will. She sighed and continued. 'I didn't assume that! I just... thought it.' Yeah sure, my mind said. As Emily talked with the popular girls beside her, Aeris whispered in my ear: 'Don't mind Emily. Hang out with who you want to hang out with.' I nodded and smiled at her. Aeris was a good friend. She was always there for me. Then my thoughts got interrupted by our PE teacher. 'Three laps around the field!' She said without greeting us. I sighed and got up. My feet started moving faster, and I went from a slow walk to a slow jog. Aeris was jogging besides me, while Emily was jogging with the popular girls. 'She gets jealous because I hang out with other's while she's doing the same!' I said annoyed. 'I know, ignore it and save your breath.' Aeris answered. Aeris was right, not just about ignoring Emily, I should save my breath. I started dreaming away in my thoughts again. I thought about how happy I could be with my new friends. Wow, this feeling was great! I smiled while thinking about them. God heard me and granted my wish! Then the bad thought popped up again. I shook my head and switched the subject in my head. I shouldn't think about that now.
When me and Aeris finished our third lap, Emily was waiting for us at the finish. 'What took you so long?' She smiled evilly. 'You jogged 2 rounds instead of 3.' Aeris said annoyed. 'Wow, no need to be aggressive!' Emily challenged Aeris. I hated this side of Emily, always picking fights and then crawl back into her shell, becoming the victim. I sighed, I didn't want to interfere. When my other fellow classmates also finished, our PE teacher started talking again.

'What do you guys think of Milo?' 'She's nice, just a bit shy.' Noah reacted. 'What do you think yourself Sydney?' James asked. I started to smile. 'I think Milo is a very nice person. She just seemed so happy when we arrived.' I ate my sandwich gently while thinking of our new friend. The others agreed, and kept talking. But why did her face turned nervous when our other friends arrived? Was it too much? I could understand her, I thought as I ate my last piece of my sandwich.
'How was PE?' I heard James say. 'Are you really asking me that? Of course it's horrible like always!' Milo said grinning. She got back from PE! Aeris stood beside her, while the short girl walked to her locker. 'I'm glad it's over.' Aeris said. 'Yeah, that woman probably has a devil inside her!' Milo laughed with the others. I laughed too, Milo was funny. I like her. Suddenly she stopped laughing and walked fast to her locker, I got up and followed her. 'Why the sudden escape?' I asked. 'Oh uh, nothing! Just getting my lunch. How are you Sydney?' Milo reacted a bit nervous. What was going on? 'Did someone say something wrong? You can tell me if something's wrong.' I said touching her shoulder. It was quiet for a few seconds, Milo stared into her locker with an empty look. After a deep sigh, she started talking again. 'I say and do things I'm not supposed to do, so I just keep feeling guilty and keep thinking these things I shouldn't...' Milo said quietly. 'What do you mean "thing's you're not supposed to say?"' Milo turned to me. 'I'm a Christian.' Her look told me she was scared I would reject her. But I never would, I was her friend!

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