Chapter 6

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The schoolbel rang. I walked with Aeris to my first period, English. 'I'm glad you're back! It was really boring without you.' I said to my friend. 'Boring? With Emily?' Aeris said giggling. I grinned. 'I just don't like Emily.' I didn't say that out loud. I didn't see Emily this morning. 'I get it though. I missed you too.' Aeris said. 'By the way, did you see Emily this morning?' She continued. I shook my head. I also didn't get a text from her that she was sick at home. I smiled a bit. A day without Emily... We walked up the stairs, Aeris told me how boring it was while she was sick. 'My mom wouldn't let me do anything! She wanted me to stay in bed all day and try to sleep!' 'That's what mother's do.' I said grinning. We walked into class. Were we the first ones? No, of course not. Emily was sitting there. 'Oh hi! I was early in school so I decided to go to class already!' Emily said loudly. I sighed. 'Why didn't you just wait? You never wait for us.' I mumbled under my breath. Aeris whispered: 'She just can't, let it go.' I nodded. It was annoying, but I can't change others, only myself. Suddenly I remembered the favor I asked. I didn't tell anyone about it, maybe God wouldn't return my favor then. I sat down, a table behind Emily. Aeris wanted to sit next to me but Emily yelled: 'Come sit next to me!' So Aeris sighed and sat next to Emily to avoid more yelling. I think I'm really Aeris' favorite. She clearly doesn't like sitting next to Emily, she wanted to sit next to me! That thought made me smile a bit while I grabbed my books. 'Why are you smiling?' Emily asked. 'Nothing.' I answered. My fellow classmates walked into class. No one sat next to me. Maybe my new friends aren't in this class, I thought.

Break started. Aeris walked next to Emily in the halls, towards the aula. I was walking behind them. I felt a bit left out when they walked next to each and I had to walk behind them. I heard them talking: 'Wanna go to the convenience store? I'm hungry.' Emily said to Aeris. 'I don't know, maybe.' Aeris answered. 'What about you?' Aeris asked me. 'Hm?' 'Do you wanna go to the convenience store?' Aeris asked. 'No, but you two can go. I'll stay here.' I said. 'You sure?' Emily asked too. 'Yeah, yeah. I don't mind.' 'Okay! Let's go Aeris!' Emily said excited. Emily didn't even doubt to leave me behind. She's just using me for when Aeris wasn't in school. I sat alone in the aula while Aeris and Emily walked out of our school. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the social media platform Instagram. Suddenly, a boy sat next to me, he was around my age. I was a bit confused, I didn't know him. He didn't say anything, he just sat there. I ignored him and kept scrolling. I accidentally laughed out loud because of a funny post. 'Why are you laughing?' The boy asked. 'Oh, it's just a funny post on Instagram.' I said. Maybe this boy was the favor God returned me. 'Wanna see?' I tried to be social. 'Sure.' He said and I showed him the funny cat video. He also laughed. 'Do you like cats?' He asked. I think he was trying to start a conversation. 'Yeah I do! I have one at home.' 'Ooh, what's his/her name?' 'His name is Garfield, we named him that because he's orange of course.' This conversation wasn't going that bad. 'Haha, does he also like lasagna?' The boy grinned. 'No, but he does like to eat much. Sometimes too much!' I laughed. 'What's your name?' The boy asked. 'I'm Milo. What's your name?' I got to know the boy's name! This is the favor God returned me! 'I'm Noah! Nice to meet you!' He smiled. Noah... Such a pretty name. 'Nice to meet you too!' I answered with a smile. 'Are you all by yourself? Don't you have some friends?' Noah asked me. 'I have two, but one of them isn't really a friend in my eyes.' I was talking about Emily. 'Oh alright. Do you wanna join me and my friends next period? That lesson got cancelled.' Did he asked me to join his friend group? Or just sit with them for once? 'Let me check my schedule.' I opened my agenda. I was supposed to have two hours of PE, but the lesson got cancelled. Maybe the teacher had gotten sick. 'My next two periods are also cancelled!' I said happily. 'Oh nice! One of our friends also has two cancelled periods.' Noah said. 'And I'd love to join you and your friends.' I said happily. Noah made a bigger smile. 'That's nice! I think they should be arriving soon.' God heard me. God answered my cry for help. He really does exist, this is no coincidence!
I talked with Noah for a while, until his friends came back. Three boys and a girl sat with us and greeted Noah. 'Who's this?' One of the boys asked. 'Oh that's a new friend of mine!' Noah answered happily. I was his friend already? 'Uh yeah I'm Milo! Nice to meet you all.' I said with a big smile on my face. I was about to get so many friends! 'Nice to meet you Milo, I'm Oliver.' The tall boy with the long brown hair said. 'And I'm Lucas!' The boy with the blond messy hair said. 'I'm James, nice to meet you.' The shorter blond boy said. 'I'm Sydney, nice to meet you Milo!' The beautiful girl said with a smile. They all seem so nice! 'Welcome to the gang, Milo!' Noah said. Suddenly Aeris and Emily were standing with is. 'Who are these people...' Emily said a bit awkward. Was she jealous that I got new friends? Could I call them friends now? I just met them. I don't know what I'm to them now. Aeris greeted Sydney. They knew each other already? 'We are Milo's friends.' Noah said confident while standing between me and Emily. He knew that Emily was the one I didn't really see as a friend.

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