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This will be in first person point of view aka Arabella's point of view. Who in the hell is Elijah I thought. Elena I swear to my dad if you don't shut up and listen I will drag your ass to hell! What do you mean your dad and hell isn't real what are you talking about? Well Elena it is real and shh I will explain later I need to listen. Look it's not to late we can leave them here and run.said Trevor, I am sick of running rose said a bit angry. Well running is what has kept us alive. Elijah is old school if he accepts our deal we are free said Rose. Elena steps on a floor board and it creeks. Oh my dad could you be more stupid Elena why in the hell would you step there. Well sorry I was just trying to listen better. Will both of you just shut up you are giving me a headache. Rose said annoyed. You know I can give you something worse than a headache you vampire bitch! Oh really and what is that! I am glad you asked I said I smirked my eyes glowed red. Is this enough for you. She quickly backed away. My eyes turned back. Who's Elijah asked Elena. Rose was just standing there wondering how my eyes were red. It took her 1 minute to say he's your worst nightmare.Then arose walks out not even making eye contact with me anymore.She just looked at me and said what did you do? Why does it matter what I did. Because Arabella you scared the living shit out of her by just looking at her. What did you DO. She yelled, first off doppelbitch don't yell at me ever again got that. Secondly it's my business because oh yeah I don't really know you I am just here because Damon asked me to. Thirdly I can kick your ass faster then Rose and Trevor can get over here and stop me so you really wanna try me?Elena just stared at me and shock her head and went back to the couch. Bonnie Pov Stefan I can't open the tomb it took me and my grams to do it the first time. Stefan then says but I can still talk to her without letter her out right? Well yeah but she won't tell you anything without you giving her something in return. But it's the o oh way to find out who has Elena because I don't even know where she is right know or what's happening to her.There could be another way to find her. How would this even work? Jeremy says I will use your blood for the tracking spell. We can use your blood because you are related so it would work better than a object of hers would.Are you ready? Yes let's do this.while I am cutting Jeremy's hand Stefan cuts in and says there is something else I have to tell you.me and Jeremy stop and look at him confused what is it? Elena isn't alone he said what do you mean she isn't alone?Me and Jeremy looked at him you know what I will explain later. Oh okay let's go get my best friend. I started to chant the blood was starting to move but her location was 300 miles away. Stefan said we need a more precise location than that. It's fine we can map it it's better than nothing at least we know how far she is. Said Jeremy.Alright call me if you find out more Stefan says, no way I am coming with you said Jeremy. Go to your house Jeremy I will get her back. You can't go alone he won't be Damon says. Your coming with me ? Said Stefan , of course I am it's Elena. End of Bonnie pov . Stefan and Damon pov So have you told them about her yet? Asked Damon no not yet not until we go find Elena. Well little brother Ara has already found her the question is why hasn't she came back with her. Maybe whoever took Elena is dangerous and stopped her from taking Elena. Stefan said, Stefan  are you that stupid she is the literal DEVIL you really think someone could beat her. You really know how to brighten the mood man. What I am being serious what if whoever took Elena is powerful and beat her. Btw Stefan doesn't believe Arabella is the actual devil he's like chole he just goes along with it. Damon she isn't the actual devil she is just saying that. You know Stefan she has proven it to me and it took me a while to fully expect it so maybe she has to prove it to you. Maybe she does because her the devil is just crazy talk. But I wanted to say thank you for helping with saving Elena.Yeah let's not do the whole road trip no bonding thing it's weird. It makes me feel itchy. Said Damon, Ding Stefan turn your phone off you said road trip bonding so let's get it over with. Said Damon, will you shut up it was Jeremy he has her location.Oh then that's good let's go there.End of the Stefan and Damon pov back to Arabella and Elena. You keep asking questions like I am going to answer them said rose.Well then why won't you. Elena maybe she is smarter than you and doesn't want you to know her plans. I swear how stupid are you. Oh shut up Arabella but rose you got the both of us it's not like we can go anywhere. Said Elena, that's just you I can leave when I want I am o my staying to find out what my mark means. I yelled, shut up and I will answer one question. You see Elena this is the part you ask what you wanna know I said a little mad. Rose snorted laughing oh you are so much more likable than her she points to Elena. We both started laughing while Elena got mad. Okay so my question is what do you want with us. I personally want nothing I am just the delivery service.Delivery to who Elijah? I asked HA two point to the eavesdroppers. Who is he exactly I asked genuinely interested. He is one of the vampires. The originals. What do you mean the originals asked Elena.Seriously again with your questions besides haven't the Salvatore's been teaching you vampire history?Rose asked, wait you know Dae and Stef? I asked , I know of them. A hundred years back a friend tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. But me personally I am more of a sucker for the bad boys though. I finally spoke up and said who are the originals? Trevor and I have been running for over a hundred years we want it over. We are using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess. But why me said Elena, Hello what am I just a ghost I am here to you know? I said pissed off. But Elena ignored me. Well because you are a Petrova doppelgänger you are the key to breaking the curse  and Arabella is a something very important to him. Curse the sun and the moon curse? Asked Elena So you do know your history arose said what do you mean I am the key the moonstone is what breaks the curse.No the moonstone is what binds the curse you are the one that breaks it well a sacrifice is what breaks it. Sacrifice? The blood of the doppelgänger you're the doppelgänger which means in order to break the curse, you're the one that has to die. She gasps and steps back. Wait wait wait so your saying for this sun and moon curse she has to die for it to work? Yup exactly like that Rose said showing no emotion as to what she just said. So what do I have to do with anything at all? Well you are special to him and Elijah will do anything for him. Okay so who the hell is this him guy and what die she want with me? No one knows but we Swede told to not harm you or he will kill us. Rose said.Tell me more Elena said i mentality palmed myself because she got bit more demanding. Then Trevor walked in and said captivity has made her pushy eh? I laughed he just smirked at me before saying what do you wanna know doppelicious? Who are you running from? The originals, yeah rose said that what does that mean? The first family the old world. He said Rose and I pissed them off. Mm-mm correction I pissed them off rose had my back and for over half a millennium they've wanted us dead.Time skip after rose and Trevor explain what they did wrong.We we're sitting on the couch when a note appeared and said Stefan and Damon are coming for you. She smiled and showed me I felt better but confused on who this him guy was. He's here this was a mistake Trevor said while rushing to get his stuff. No I told you I would get us out of here. Rose said trying to be calm, he wants me dead Rose. But he want them more rose said. I can't do this you can give them to him he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here. Trevor said panicking.Hey hey what are we rose asked waiting for an answer we're family. I smiled at that because it reminded me when me and Uriel used to get nervous when our father called us to his throne room. We then heard knocks I assumed it was Elijah. Third person point of view. The door to the abandoned house opened a man i a dark suit opened the door and said Rose Marie is there somewhere we can talk? He asked politely,yes Rose responded in here you have to forgive the house. She says oh no what's a little dirt? I completely understand so tell me what is it that gives you the courage to call me? I wanted my freedom I am tired of running. Are you in position to grant me that? I have complete authority to grant you that pardon to you and your little pet what is his name these days Trevor if I do see fit Elijah responds. Katerina Petrova he turns around and says I am listening she didn't but. I the church in 1864 continue she survived where is she he asked. Time skip he is walking into the room where Arabella and Elena are. He pauses in-front of the stairs and stares at Elena then to me shocked. He speeds over to Elena she breaths heavy and gasps. He smells her neck and says human it's impossible hello there. He turns to me and smiles it is true you really do look like your painting but they do you no justification on how you look in Person. Hello who are you? I asked my apologies I am Elijah and you are? Arabella Morningstar I answered. He smiles and says we have a long journey a head of us. Please don't let him take me take Arabella please please I don't wanna die. Elena said about to cry. Are you really negotiating your freedom for me you really are a bitch just like Kathrine. Elijah looks at me and laughs so does Rose. One Last piece of business the we're done Elijah says. He turns to Rose and Trevor. I have waited for this day so long Elijah I and truly very sorry said Trevor. Oh no your apologies are not necessary. Yes yes it is he says  you trusted me with Katrina and I failed you. Well he you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you I honor that,
He says,where was your loyalty Elijah asks I beg your forgiveness. So granted Elijah the. Does a three sixty and smacks his head right off his shoulders. I gasp and Elena looks like she is about to throw up and Rose is crying. You don't rose now that you are free. Come he says what about the moonstone ELENA why would you tell him about that! I yelled. He stops and asked what do you know about the moonstone? I know that you need it and I know where it is she says. That's it till the nest chapter I think that them meeting was okay but Arabella needs more answers. Bye hopefully you liked it.🙃

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