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I know that you need it and I know where it is.Elena said , ELENA why in the hell would you tell him that I yelled. Yes? Elijah said intrigued, I can help you get it she said, Tell me where it is. It doesn't work that way she said. Before Elijah could say anything I butted in and said are you really gonna try and negotiate with a thousand year old vampire who is trying to kidnap you!! How stupid could you genuinely be! Elijah started to chuckle but covered it up with a cough. Elena though looked as if she wanted to rip my face of but it's fine I would kick her ass. But as Arabella was saying are you negotiating with me? He looks at Rose it's the first I have heard of it she says still whipping her tears away. He tired to compel Elena but it didn't work until I realized she had on vervain. What's this around your neck? He questions her rips the necklace off and throws it off. He then compels her again where is the moonstone he asked Elena. In tomb under neath the church ruins.Elena snap out of it, I yell hoping she shuts up.what is it doing Elijah asked It's with Kathrine says Elena, Interesting, as Elijah is about to say something else we all here sounds. Before anyone did anything I said way to go doppelbitch you just told him where the moonstone is now we are all screwed so thank you so much Elena!!!! I yelled, she just looked stunned and huffed Elijah chuckled but covers it with a cough. He then asked Rose what the sounds where she said she doesn't know I believe her because I can tell when someone is lying obviously. Who else is in this house Elijah said confused. Again Rose said she had no clue she thought it was just her me Elena and a now  dead Trevor. He roughly grabbed Elena but for some weird reason he was gentle with me. As we were going out the door he stops and throws Elena to rose and just tell me to go with Elena which for some odd reason I listened.Rose he said  I don't know who it is I swear she said.Up here we all heard down here Elijah was hit by a wooden stake I gasped , Elijah then Pulled it out like nothing but he looked annoyed in a way. Elena was freaking out until we were sped out the room by none other than Stefan.he put his hand on mine and Elena's mouth telling us to shh. To whom it may concern your making a grave mistake if you think you can beat me you can't you hear that? I repeat you cannot beat me he said as he ripped a wood coat hanger. So I want both of the girls on the count of three or head will roll. Do we understand each other? He said, Elena get out of Stefan's grasp and said I'll come with you just don't hurt my friends. Well I admire your courage I don't just want you I want Arabella as-well she is more important than you. Elena looked offended but it made her more mad so that's when she busted out the vervain bomb. He yells in pain and looks more pissed.Stefan shoots him with wooden bullets and they do nothing he keeps waking they remind me of someone but I can't think of who. But I run out and throw a fireball at him. He falls to the floor and that's when Damon throws a stake and he is "dead". Elena and Stefan look at me with wide eyes I realized they never seen me use my powers before all except Damon. Whoa how did you do that's Elena asked I am the devil fire is basically my best friend I smirked Damon laughed Stefan just looked at me in surprise.Rose sped out shocked someone actually could take out Elijah as Damon was about to speed after her Elena stops him. Stefan and Elena hug while I look at Damon sad because I know that he wishes he was with doppelbitch.Then I say thanks you to both Salvatore's Elena just mouthed a thank you to Damon. Skip Elena is now at home while I am in my room at the Salvatore house I was thinking about what Elijah said. I went to take a shower because I smelled like I have been living in a dumpster. But while I was in the shower I heard a noise coming from my room I had no what the sound was but I brushed it off thinking it was Damon trying to mess with me. I walked out the shower and I was getting ready.when I went to lay on my bed I saw

when I went to lay on my bed I saw

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With a card attached to it. That said, Dear Arabella I know you do not know who i am but I just wanted to let you know that you will be seeing me very soon so until then accept this necklace I hope to see you wearing it. Who the hell would send this? I thought I am going to keep this to myself because every has enough going on with the whole save Elena mission. Narrator view while opening the gift Arabella didn't notice someone was watching her with a smile. Back to Arabella pint of view. I was snapped out of my thought by Stefan coming in the room. Hey how are you feeling? He asked I am good how's doppelbitch doing I asked not caring I called her that. He laughed and said ELENA is doing better. He looked like he wanted to ask me something but was scared. Go ahead ask what you wanna know. He shyly smiled and said how did you do the thing with the fire? I already told you the answer you just refuse to accept it. I said annoyed he wouldn't just believe me. He sighed and said you are not the devil the devil isn't real he said. Yes I am , prove it then.  FINE I showed him my wings

  FINE I showed him my wings

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Happy now I said. Stefan's jaw dropped while I tucked my wings back he was shocked and said you you really are the the devil. Yup I said but that doesn't explain the fireball. Well you see Stef I before I was the devil I used to be an arch angel we are the old kind of angel and the real children of god. So we have special powers that the other don't. What do you mean others don't. I mean like me and my siblings don't all have the same powers except some like strength speed flight and other stuff like that. So what are yours? Mine are weather and elemental control. Which mean like water nature wind and fire. Then there the weather so that self explanatory. So each of your siblings has 2 powers? Stefan asked intrigued. No I have 2 because I am the first born daughter of god and my mom wanted me to have an extra power plus I used to be the light bringer along with my brother Lucifer. Wait he exists too!! Stefan yelled I laughed and said if course didn't you know there are two devils. Authors note sorry it took a while to post the. Next part won't be a chapter they will be Arabella's powers so you all know what they are. Thank you so so much for reading hope you enjoy it.

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