Kathrine &Elijah

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We finally got to the tomb after Elena threw her bitch fit which was annoying. Caroline moved the tomb door that's when I saw Kathrine I don't know but I think she looks better than Elena even though she has been locked up.when I will wait for you outside said Caroline speeding off. Okay you can go with care. Got this. You really think I am leaving I am staying to get answers about who Klaus is and what he has to do with me. She huffed fine but don't get in my way when I am asking what I wanna know. Does it look like I give a fuck Elena? I could care less about your answers I want mine so don't get in my way because I am way more scarier than you. Okay chill I was just joking. Well looks like somebody finally put you in your place because it was getting old Kathrine said smirking. Ha I like her more than you already Elena. Well you must me Arabella wow no wonder he loves you. Kathrine said, what do you mean loves me I ask genuinely confused. But before she could answer Elena buts I. And asks all kinds of questions that I wasn't paying attention to till she said oh no I would never hurt Arabella over there that would be sighning my death certificate. I spoke up what are you talking about? You don't know do you? What doesn't she know Elena asked . Well you see I was running from someone for 500 years. Kathrine spoke. It was klaus right Elena asked? Kathrine simply nodded and continued. After a while we left the tomb. I was confused on Klaus he couldn't love me I don't even know him. But we were walking to the Salvatore house. When I got to my room I decided to get a home of my own I need one plus I am inviting someone to my house. I got something to hit my window. I walked to the window and saw Elijah standing there. My deepest apologies I didn't mean to scare you he said. It's okay but what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be like dead? I said with no filter. He laughed and said yes but that's why I came to talk. Alright then hold  a second I will be right down. I got on shoes and clothes and jumped out the window. When you said I will be right down I thought you meant go downstairs but this works to he says laughing. Well what are we waiting or let's go I said. Let's go then he says. So what did you want to talk about I asked curious. Well about Klaus. Oh thank dad because I wanted to talk about him to. But not in a weird way just a curious way I said. Well then you must know something before I begin. Okay I said, it's about the sun and the moon curse. What about it, we'll you see it's not real it's just something me and Klaus made up to hopefully find the new Petrova dopppelganer. I was shocked and the first thing that came to my mind was I knew doppelbitch wasn't special no way would dad make her cool. He laughed but paused and said dad? What do you mean your father what does he have to do with this if you don't mind me asking? He asked genuinely lost. Well you know how people say dear god or something along the lines of that? Yes, well god is real and so are angels and all that jazz. I said. He looked dumbfounded. So you are telling me there actually is a god he said thinking i was joking. I can prove he is real and all of what I said is too. I said angry. You mortals always think we are joking. He just watched. You see each arch angel has a special power in my case that is weather and elemental control.

I turned the sky from a Clear night into a tornado

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I turned the sky from a Clear night into a tornado. He looked at me wide eyed and cleared his throat and said wow how did you do that well as I said. So you are a angel? no I am the devil. But I thought there was only one well there is he is my brother but we rule hell together because dad aka god banished us and well you know the story so yeah. Well we can talk more about that later but let's talk about Klaus. Yea but.. But what ? The tornado. Oh right right give me a second. Of course he said I used my power to make the tornado to go away. That's it for now guys but I will try to post more it's just that things have been stressful these last few weeks.My apologies 🥹 but have a good day or night.🌙

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