Meeting the scoby gang

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So Stefan any questions? Obviously you can't expect me to not have any when you just dropped a bomb like that. Well I already told you but Noo you didn't believe me. Well sorry it's just hard to believe that the devil really exists and is one of my best friends. Well believe it but what was your question? Oh okay well I have a lot but I will ask one.okay what is it? I said, so how come you aren't red with a pitch fork? Stefan said, I bursted out laughing he looked at me confused. Why are you laughing? Because I did have a red face it's just you can't see it unless I want you to. So can you show me? No last time that happened my friend didn't talk to me for a month. Because it scared her. Sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything. Stefan said sympathetically. It's okay it's just that our friendship hasn't been the same since she saw it. Well she must be stupid because if it took one look at your devil face to quit being nice and friendly to you then she wasn't a real friend to begin with. I smiled at his kindness knowing it wasn't true. Thanks but she just had a problem with me then. Why? You are a amazing person. Thanks Stefan but she accepted my brother but not me which hurts because I was always there for her. But now I won't be she chose that not me I said angry. Hey hey don't get yourself worked up well I should let you sleep you have a very big day tomorrow!He said, what do you mean I have a big day tomorrow what's going on? Well you are meeting mine and Damon's friends. YOUR FRIENDS yelled Damon from his room. Me and Stefan laughed as he exited the room. I layer back sighing thinking Chloe and how she used to be my friend before the whole devil face fiasco. I then put the cover over me and drifted off to sleep. GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!! yelled Damon as he threw the cover off me. LET ME SLEEP FOR LIKE 5 MORE MINUTES. Nope the gang is here so get up and meet them and by the way I hate Matt. Who in the hell is Matt and why are people here this early like damn let a devil sleep!! Sorry he yelled as he sped out of the room. I got up and got dressed.

 I got up and got dressed

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After I got dressed I headed down stair to see doppelbitch and a blonde and a Brunette girl and three boys standing there

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After I got dressed I headed down stair to see doppelbitch and a blonde and a Brunette girl and three boys standing there. The blonde rushed over and said OMG you are so pretty and wow. Umm thanks you know you remind me of my little sister. I say as she continues to shake my hand. Okay Caroline you need to let go of her hand or she may loose it from how many times you have been shaking it. Said the brunette girl. Shoot right sorry hi I am Caroline Forbes . Oh well I hi Caroline I am Arabella Morningstar. I said proudly,As in the devil the brunette asked? Exactly I said smirking. She just gave me a look. Well I am Bonnie Bennett. Ah a Bennett witch I met some of your ancestors they were real bitches hopefully you aren't one. You met my ancestors how you aren't a vampire how could you have met them when you are probably like 20 years old! She said i as she looked at me uneasy. Wow you remind me of quet already. But if you must know I am not a vampire i am something better. Ouch Ara I thought you loved vampire's, Damon said pretending to be offended. Stefan laughed at his brother reaction. Hey I am not wrong. But anyway what about you three what are your names? Well I am Matt and I am Tyler. Hey I am Jeremy. Ohh your doppelbitchs brother huh?Yup I am Elena's brother he said as he corrected me. Well are you guys supernatural? Umm yeah I am a wolf said Tyler. Nice they are cool he smiled. I am human the one named Matt said so am I said Jeremy . And I am a witch you already know that tho. I am a vampire said Caroline. I have a feeling we are going to be best friends. Said Caroline, I smiled and said yeah I think so I actually like you unlike doppelbitch over there. She tried not to laugh but failed. Time skip back to Elijah. He starts to come back and pulls out the stake. While seemed pissed off.while it's night time Arabella decided to call her brothers. Hey luci Amenadiel how's everything in LA going? Good little sis we haven't killed each other yet so that's good news. But how about you anything I interesting happen yet asked a anxious Amenadiel yes and no. What do you mean yes and no ? Well I met a girl her names Caroline she reminds me of Saraqael she is energetic and blonde. So I at least I have a glimpse of how my little sister you used to be I said sadly knowing full when I missed my sister dearly.Luci noticed and changed the subject and then talked about his whole day and then so did Amenadiel the. After the call I tried not to think about how much I missed my siblings remit said siblings not parents. But then i grabbed my sketch book to draw I was going to draw a lion but ended up drawing a face I couldn't get out of my head.

 But then i grabbed my sketch book to draw I was going to draw a lion but ended up drawing a face I couldn't get out of my head

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I have never seen this man in my life before it just came to my mind. But as I was thinking about him my mark started to get darker it was ways faint but it got darker since I got to mystic falls I though it was a coincidence but she. It comes to me nothing I ever a coincidence. That is all for this chapter. We are getting closer to Klaus!!!!!! I am so excited why does Bonnie not like Arabella🤔Anyway have and amazing day or night!!

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