Chapter 4

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Sorry for the long wait guys. At the end of this chapter there will be a little AN for you guys! Love you guys!


Chapter 4

After the wonderful dinner Chase made for us we went to watch Warm Bodies. I have to say even though I thought that movie would be stupid I actually liked it.

Chase had said he has another surprise for me. I honestly hate surprises but when the surprise is coming from him I couldn't wait to see it.

We pulled up to this park were there was the most beautiful flowers every. I quickly took off my seat belt and ran over to my favorite flower. Pink roses.

I picked up a few and smiled as I smelt them. "There so beautiful" I said out loud thinking Chase was still inside the car.

"Yes they are but you're more beautiful then those roses." He said while wrapping his arm around my waist.

Moments like these I wish I was his forever. He makes me feel like the only girl in the world. I've never felt this way before.

"Emily I have something very important to ask you." Chase said with the most serious face I have seen him have.

"Uhm, okay what is it babe?" He was scaring me. All he did was stand there trying to find that right word to say. I have a feeling he's going to brake up with me.

I started crying I honestly love him he's the best thing that has happened to me and I really want to be with him forever.

"Emily why are you crying? This isn't how I wanted things to go please stop crying please." I just knew it he was gunna up and leave me.

"I should've known not to fall in love with a white man. All you wanted was to try the black pussy and leave."

"Emily no that's not the reason why I brought you here. I brought you here to tell you I'm in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old together, have kids and then tell our grandkids the story of how we met. What I'm trying to say is Emily Java Brown will you marry me?"

Oh shit I didn't think he was gunna do that. Opps I guess this is what happens when you jump to conclusions.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you Chase I love you so much you just made me the happiest women in the world." I ran into his already open arms and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

"I love you too Emily you mean the world to me. Let's go home and make some 'just engaged' sex."

I giggled like a little school girl and held his hand all the way back to the car. This night couldn't have gotten any better.

*1 month later*

Chase and I have been engaged for a month a few days and were still stronger than ever. Today is a special day. Its my sisters wedding.

Its finally her wedding day and I'm happy because I can stop worrying over her wedding and worry bout mine.

It was 5 minutes before her wedding and we were almost done getting ready when I got this funny feeling in my stomach then my throat.

Before I knew it I was running to the garbage can throwing up my breakfast Chase had made me.

Hmm I wonder if he cooked it properly? This is why I don't let him cook. He might be a smoking hot guy but one thing he doesn't know how to do is cook.

I got up off my knees and got a bottle of water to drink the bad taste away. I turned around to see everyone and when I say everyone I mean absolutely everyone.

"Guys I'm fine just finish getting Gabrielle ready." They took one last look at me and went back to getting her ready.

It was time for this wedding to happen. Me and Chase walked out first then went on opposite sides. It went on for the next 3 minutes till it was the flower girls time to shine.

She was honestly the most gorgeous little girls I've seen in awhile. She was biracial. With the most prettiest hazel eyes.

Wow I can't wait to have a baby of my own he or she would be so spoiled. But that doesn't mean she or he would be one of those spoiled brats you see on tv or in the stores.

Gabby came out with our dad. When they made it to the end and handed her off to Rick then whispered something in his ear.

Rick look scared for a second then changed his facial expression.

( I honestly don't know what they say at weddings soo I'll just go to the I do part :p)

"Do you Gabrielle Sarah Brown take Rick Sam Young as your husband?" "I do." "Do you Rick Sam Young take Gabrielle Sarah Brown as your wife?" '"I do."

"With the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

They kissed it was so cute that my little sister found the love of her life. I hope the best for them and the little one on the way.

We all went to the hotel for the after party my mom put together. I still wasn't feeling well I hope its just food poisoning.

I ate some mash potatoes and corn but felt sick again. I coulnt go home I had to make my speech. Maybe I could do it now and then go home.

I walked to the middle of the room with the microphone and said " I know this shouldn't be till later on in the night but I'm not feeling well so I'm saying it now then leaving. Gabrielle you are the best sister ever, we have our moments but to be honest I couldn't ask for anything better than you. I wish the best for you,Rick and the little one on the way. When you go home look in the fridge I left a huge surprise for you! I love you guys hope everyone enjoys their night bye."

I walked up to Gabby and Rick hugged them then walked to the doors were I found Chase waiting for me.

The whole car ride home I didn't talk. Something else is wrong with me but I don't want chase to get scared.

I'll just play it off like everything is fine for another 2 months till my family doctor since I was a seed in my mom's stomach comes back from vacation. I only trust her to look at me.

We got home and I took off my seat belt and went straight to bed trying to sleep everything off.

Wow everything is changing. Me and Chase are gunna be husband and wife soon. My sister is married with a baby on the way. Just everything is going nice and smooth.

But you know that saying once something is going good something bad is gunna happen soon.


Hey guys so Last Christmas is still on hold but I felt leaving you guys with only 3 chapters so I'm tryna to work on some chapters and upload them for you guys.

I know I'm making everything move very fast but there's a reason why and if you really wanna know you have to keep reading to find out aha!

You guys are the best for waiting soo long just to read this book. It means a lot to me hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I do writing it.

Let's see if we could get at least 9 comments and 30 votes and at least 5 new followers?

To the people who just started following me. I haven't been on wattpad in awhile to thank you for following so I'll thank you here!

Thanks for following and reading my books. You guys are the best keep it up! :*

Lovebum <3

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