Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 yay

1 month later

It’s been a month since I caught chase cheating on me with who I still don’t know who. I’ve been so heartbroken that all I wanted to do was just bake everything I should be baking for my shop and eating it.

Chase has called to apologize for what he has done but I couldn’t take him back. I knew this happened for a reason and this reason better be good because it’s going to be hard being a single mother to two kids.

Everyone knew about me being pregnant I guess news travels around fast in my small town. Most of the time I would just sit around and think of names for my babies.  Yes it was too early but there was really nothing to do now a day’s.

Today was the day I was finally leaving my house for the first time in 1 month. I was going to the doctors again to check up on the kids just to make sure they were doing ok. I was about to open the front door when the doorbell rang.

Great who could this be? I told everyone I didn’t want anyone to visit me I just wanted time to myself. I opened the door to see a very handsome look chase with my favorite flowers in his hand. Wow I never thought I could fall in love with him again.

“These are for you, I came here to let you know I’m sorry for cheating on you. I also want to be in the kids life your life, Emily you mean the world to me I honestly don’t know what made me cheat I guess I wasn’t ready to settle down yet. Please forgive me Em please.”

He just poured his heart out to me but I really couldn’t give one crap I’m done with him. I learned over the month that I don’t need a man in my life I just need my kids and my true family. 

“Chase I want nothing to do with you I’m done. The only reason I want you to call me or show up at my door is if you want to drop money off for the kids or if you want to see them when they get here. Either than that get the fuck off my propriety or leave me the hell alone I’m done with you and your lies.”

He was shocked from what I just said but I couldn’t really care he really hurt me. I opened my purse and too out the engagement ring a throw it in his face. Now I’m done with him and I feel so happy I am.

*at the doctor’s office*

“Emily Brown the doctor is ready to see you.”  The secretary/ assistant said.

I grabbed my purse and followed her to Dr.Love’s office

The assistant took my blood and checked my blood pressure.  Few minutes later Dr.Love came walking in with a huge smile on her face. Looks like someone having a wonderful day I thought to myself.

“How are you doing Emily?”  Something is definitely wrong with her she’s too cheerful. 

“I’m doing fine how are you doing?” maybe she’ll tell me why she’s so cheerful today.

“I’m on top of the word hun I found out I’m pregnant too. Isn’t that wonderful? Maybe our kids could date and get married.”

Wow I wasn’t expecting that to happen but I’m honestly happy for her. She only has one boy who is turning 16 in about 3 days. That reminds me I need to bake a cake for him. 

“Quick question what is Sean’s birthday theme?” I asked taking out my iPhone to write everything down.

“We’ll all he wants for his birthday is a big booty hoe” I died of laughter. I haven’t laughed this much since I was with Chase. This honestly was the funniest thing I’ve heard this month.

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