Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Its been 3 months since me and Chase have been engaged. Everything is going well. Well I hope it is.

You see Chase has been going to work at odd hours at the night. I'm still throwing up but its gotten worse.

My doctor's appointment was today at noon. I'm scared I don't know what's wrong with me.

I couldn't be pregnant because we use condoms and I'm on birth control. Wait I haven't been taking them when I'm suppose to fuck! I think I might be pregnant.

Don't get me wrong I want a baby its just that the way Chase is acting I don't think bring a kid into this world right now would be the right thing to do.

I walked into our walk in closest and picked out a long purple and yellow spring dress. To top it all off I put on yellow 6 inch heels. I thought I looked hot for a day to myself.

I was deciding on going with an all natural look but something in my mind told me to look sexy af today.

A little bit of foundation here a little bit of eye shadow & mascara here. Last but not least my favorite pink lip stick.

Before leaving the closest I grabbed my tan colour over the shoulder purse. One last look in the mirror and I was good to go.

Just thinking about having a baby brought joy to my world. Kids have always seemed to make me happy when I'm upset.

The bedroom door slammed and scared the life out of me. I turned around to find a not so happy Chase.

"Where do you think your going Emily? I told you my company was having a lunch event today and I need you there."

"Hold up last time I checked we never had this conversation ONCE in the past week Chase. I don't know what's wrong with you but today isn't the day to piss me off."

I started to walk pasted him but he pulled my forearm which made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Well where are you going that your mood can't be ruined?" Sometimes I wonder if he ever listens to me.

"I told you Chase I have a doctor's appointment at 10:30, now if you may excuse me I don't want to be late."

"Why you going to the doctor's do you have something to tell me? Wait you don't have to I know you've been cheating on me and you have a sexual transmitted disease. I don't know how I was planing on marrying your nasty ass."

That broke my heart after everything we've been through he thinks I would cheat on him.

"Chase you know I love you and that I would never cheat on you. For all I know you maybe the one who is cheating."

With that said I walked straight out the house.

*At the doctor's office*

I didn't have to wait long to see the doctor because no one really knew she was back yet.

Lucky me I guess you could say.

As soon as I sat down on the little bed in her office Dr.Love came in. "Emily how great is it to see you. How is everything going?" She said giving me a motherly hug.

"Well everything is fine I'm engaged and well I think I'm pregnant." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"That's great news sweetheart. Let me get everything from the back room."

She walked out and came back shortly after.

I was already laying down so she just pulled up my top and poured the jelly thing on my stomach.

'Wow' was all she said then started tearing up. You see Dr.Love is like a second mom to me and Gabby. So this means its good news I guess.

"Em honey I have amazing news for you."

Here it goes....

"Emily congratulations you're pregnant with twins." Wow that is amazing news.

We sat there for a good half an hour just talking about what to do and what not to do.

"I'll see you in a bout 3 weeks Em make sure to tell everyone I said hello." She said hugging me.

"I will don't worry thanks again."

This day is now the best day of my life well the first best till my babies are born.

I decided to surprise Chase at his work lunch thing with the good news. I was so happy that nothing could bring me down.

Reaching Chases work 15 minutes later with a box wrapped with a little gift to tell him about the news.

Everyone said their hello's to me and went back to the lunch event. I knew if he wasn't here he would be in his office.

I walked down the hall to his office when I heard moaning and groaning.

This couldn't be happening. Just this morning he was accusing me of cheating but it was him along.

I softly placed the gift by his door and knocked on it then ran back to my car.

One thing I knew was I was going home and packing up all my things and moving back to my house.

Good thing I didn't sell it yet. Things happen for a reason and I guess this must be a very good reason.


Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know thanks to everyone who votes, follows, and comments.

I've been going through a lot lately but I decided I'm going to take it off hold. But I won't be able to update every week like I wanted to.

You guys are the best thanks everyone for reading and adding my book to their reading list.

I will be putting up the characters soon uhm what else oh yes. I'm not really sure how long this is going to be guys so please don't get mad.

If you have any ideas inbox me them or leave them in the comments.

Uhm. I know I'm moving a bit to fast with everything but I want everything to move fast at the beginning then it will slow down during the middle.

Comment on what you think about this chapter, vote if you thought it was awesomee, follow if you really like this story and last but not least add this to your reading list because you did all of the above.

Love you guys.

Lovebum <3

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