Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I have been working on this birthday cake for about a day and a half now. I'm actually surprised I got most of it done. 

If I wasn't for Alex I wouldn't have got it half way done. Speaking of Alex he's running a bit late. 

He said his baby mama was sick so she couldn't watch his son while he's at work. You might be wondering why he has his son all the time. Well let me tell you a little story about it.

(Alex's story)

I was 15 when I got Selena pregnant. I didn't mean to I was a stupid teenage boy who just thought of pussy money weed.

This was all I thought about till she told me she was carrying my son. I wasn't going to be an ass and bitch out and leave her with my kid.

I went to all the doctor appointments I didn't miss even one. She started doing drugs when she was 8 months along. 

That pissed me off and I asked for fully custody, but then felt bad so I allowed her to see our son when she felt like it or when I need to go work. 

The night before she gave birth she was out partying like a dumb ass. I honestly thought Jordan would be a drug baby or something.

But he's not he's a normal baby that has no sign of a drug baby what so ever and I'm glad for that. 

Ever since July first 2007 I never let any girl touch my son or full the role of his "mommy" till I met Emily.

She's what I want Jordan to grow up around. I want him to be a big brother to her kids.

I want to be the father to those kids. I might be shy to ask her but I'm going to give it a few more weeks to ask her to be my girlfriend then maybe after a year or so she'll be my wife and we'll have the perfect family.

(End of Alex's story)

This is why when he is running late I don't mind because his baby mama is a handful.

The door to the bakery opened and in came running a little boy with blonde hair and green eyes. 

He was the cutest thing ever.

I rushed from behind the counter to get a better look at him.

He ran into my arms and rapped his tiny little arms around my neck. Wow this feels so perfect I wonder if this is what it feels like to have a kid to wrap its arms around you and hug you as tight as they could.

I picked him up and kissed his cheek, turning my head towards the door I saw Alex with a huge smile on his face.

"Emily this is my son Jordan, Jordan this is daddy's boss Emily. Can you say hi Emily?"

Wow Alex seemed like a wonderful father. I give him lots of respect for being there for his son.

"Hiya Emily." Awe he's so adorable.

"Hi cutie how old are you?" I asked even though I knew.

“I’m this much." He said while holding up 5 fingers. 

"Wow you’re a big boy, are you being good for daddy?"

He shook his head yes and started kicking his feet to let me know he wanted down.

"I'm sorry for being late Selena wouldn't take care of Jordan and I had no one else to look after him."

She's a total bitch I thought to myself.

“No worries I understand and I’m happy you brought the little guy with you today is going to be a good day”

He laughed and headed to the back so he can help finish the cake.

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